Reviews for Twice the Love
Cass chapter 1 . 3/13/2017
Enjoy your stories very much. Hope you will update soon
BratGirl1983 chapter 15 . 11/4/2016
Love it, I look forward to the next chapters.
Always Ducaine chapter 15 . 4/1/2015
It is very unfortunate you decided to stop updating. I love this story like no other one and I've become you could say addicted to it. I am very fortunate to have come across this fantastic piece of writing. I hope you know this story is greatly loved and I hope you will continue it.
snowfair chapter 15 . 9/16/2014
Love it. . . Please continue, looking forward for more thrill part, i wonder what will their twins will look like but i bet they will be very very cute. . .
olliebella chapter 15 . 8/31/2014
I loved alex on the show , I think nat and frank are great choices in godparents , another great chapter xx
olliebella chapter 14 . 8/31/2014
aww horatio looks after calleigh really well , great chapter xx
olliebella chapter 13 . 8/31/2014
loved this chapter , I was never an eric fan , so seeing him be an ass is great lol , I don't think he is going to let it rest about calleigh , brilliant story xx
HEHC4evr chapter 15 . 8/30/2014
I think I am craving chicken salad now! You continue to deliver a family oriented story with lots of romance, caring and dialogue.
horatio-is-the-man chapter 15 . 8/30/2014
Excellent job. Love it and can't wait for more of this amazing story.
queen of miami chapter 13 . 8/26/2014
I loved this and can't wait for more!
Guest chapter 13 . 8/24/2014
Love ducaine . This story is great. Please keep updating.
HEHC4evr chapter 13 . 8/26/2014
Romantic chapter with a touch of an annoying Eric. I have never been to LA,but you describe it in a way that makes me feel like I want to go there for a visit. Glad you are continuing to update.
horatio-is-the-man chapter 13 . 8/26/2014
WOW, nice long chapter. I love it.

Something tells me that Eric will continue to be a problem. Would love to see Horatio finally put him in his place.

Wonderful job and so glad you are continuing this great story.

Can't wait for the next chapter.
HEHC4evr chapter 12 . 8/23/2014
It is wonderful to see this story updated. As far as I'm concerned, you can update all your stories and keep writing new ones. I love your HC stories. Horatio is so romantic I would love to have a man like him. I would love to ship Eric to another state,but he does provide some interest for the story.

Thank you so much for the update!
horatio-is-the-man chapter 12 . 8/23/2014
Welcome back and sorry for your loss. I love all your stories, they all are awesome. Thank you, Thank you for continuing with this one, have read it several times and loved it each time. When I saw a update it put a big smile on my face. So thanks again.

Horatio is just too cute taking care of Calleigh. Eric is such a butt, it will be interesting how he will act when Horatio gets to the lab.

Can't wait for the next chapter.
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