Reviews for Stay Young
MileyLover231855 chapter 2 . 7/22/2012
ohhh my gaww, you HAVE to update this! its amazing! I loves it! please please update! (:
Loves && hugs, lol
ambercolexo chapter 2 . 5/14/2011
Update SOON! Please? haha (: 3
LightweightLove chapter 2 . 6/12/2010
Her Is In Hero chapter 2 . 4/8/2010
Please update? I'm really looking forward to Miley and Shanes relationship escelating :)
surferchickk525 chapter 2 . 11/22/2009
Wow, this has a really good story line. Are you going to update it or are you done? I like it :) I hope you update this story soon!
Marissa-Xtreme SelDem Fan chapter 2 . 10/23/2009
OMG, WHY DID YOU STOP? I love the trailer for this story! I want to read more! Please update!
Silly Ann Joker chapter 2 . 10/16/2009
Please, please,please update?
Peace.Jemi.Love chapter 2 . 7/23/2009
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update soon...I love it already and really want to read more to see what happens..

Xoxo NiCkIsMyLoVEBuG
Joesgirlforever chapter 1 . 6/30/2009
i need chapter three like now3
anonymous chapter 2 . 6/29/2009
omg that was amazing! please post another chapter soon! u haven't for awhile so yea, but plz post more soon!
missk15 chapter 2 . 6/28/2009
With it! xD
AmuletLemon chapter 2 . 6/14/2009
Bonjour! Um... Good chappie! WHAT ELSE TO SAY! UM B.O.B!

get off my bamboo chapter 2 . 6/5/2009
Okay...ahah since I just visited your profile I have another thing to say...

:P I'm flattered that I'm one of your favorite people to talk to on here! haha. Anways, good chapter, can't wait for the next one. I definitely need to start a story. I'm just..completely blocked. I can't even call it writers block anymore. I'll call it starting block, because i can't even come up with a plot 'cha know?
Night Owl 303 chapter 2 . 5/21/2009
HEY BRENDA! Sorry I haven't read this chappy beforewards, but I put all my energy on updating my YT account and all my stories and I SUCCEDDED! Except now I have 78 updates to catch up on... But I have just updated I Wish We Were Older!

Lol,sexy beast!

"I'm Shane..." Miley smiled softly, Shane. That was a cute name. It rhymed with Hanes. She wonder if he wore Hanes... Where the hell did that come from?

I think we all want to know the answer to that one.P

Wow, Joe and Miley in this story are very different from God Love Her in this story. Though the sexual inuendos are still there...

SHANE SAID MY NAME (when he said crystal blueP) WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE IN THAT CONTEXT BUT I DON'T CARE! WOOT WOOT! Lol, people should not give me sugar.

VERSION WITH IT! Wow, I'm a perve... Oh well.P

Oh I will be "using you" in Niley around the time when Nate's gonna find out about Shiley. LET ME JUST SAY YOU ARE GOING TO BE AN IMPORTANT PERSON!
flickeringlightx chapter 2 . 5/17/2009
Dude, I feel like I haven't been on fanfiction in FOREVER. So I like, JUST read this chapter of this story written by YOU. This chapter was amazing, I'm already addicted to this story. YOU NEED TO UPDATE. But so do, EVERYONE needs to update. God, this summer all the moe writers need to update. Lmao, I feel like I've slightly lost my obsession with fanfiction XD But I actually watched a youtube series thingy. It was perty cool, but it took a lot of time. Oh well.

LoL, in this story Miley's parents are completely different. They don't mind that she's having sex XD And Shane...Shane's Shane. All hot and sexy and amazing.

Yeah, it feels weird being on fanfiction after being away from it for so long. I haven't really read any recently ;/ Well, besides yours.

Anyway, this review sucks. THE CHAPTER WAS AMAZING..Mhmm. I can't wait for more, so UPDATE. UPDATE. UPDATE. UPDATE. UPDATE. UPDATE. UPDATE.

Whe. That was fun. Okay then, I love this story.

Oh, and did you hear the rumor where Joe was supposedly looking for a condo with Camilla? I was literally screaming at the computer when I first read it. Seriously. What. The Fuck. It better just be a rumor, otherwise I'd have to talk some serious sense into Joseph. He will receive no mercy. Lmao, jk. And that other rumor, where the JB were going to do a song for the "New Moon" soundtrack. I will not allow them to sell themselves to the devil. Twilight, and anything associated with it is horrible. I can't believe I used to like that shit. Uggh, so many rumors lately that have been pissing me off. I wish there was a rumor that Joe and Camilla broke up.

Anyhoo. UPDATE SOON. This review was long. Lmao. haha. yeah. BYE.
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