Reviews for They Try to Pull Me Away
Crash Murphy chapter 6 . 10/1/2009
But...Derek listens to "Bleeding Love"? I mean, really?
Crash Murphy chapter 4 . 10/1/2009
I love the 'phone call from irony'.

I like the style you chose for this story.

I'm entertained.
SuperxXxGirl79 chapter 7 . 8/10/2009
i really like how this is written like derek would actually think and say things. it's not like, totally un-derek.

if you get what i mean , you are my new best friend.

if not, you tried and that's all that matters.
Lanter chapter 7 . 7/20/2009
Great ending, it was just the right amount of sweet and humorous.
MissPopuri chapter 7 . 7/18/2009
Haha, Derek is quite voyeuristic isn't he. Gotta love him though.
WhenLighteningStrikes chapter 7 . 7/18/2009
Oh, you! I just LOVE you too! (Really I'm seriously jealous of your multi-talents. You write. And sing. AND make amazing videos. I mean is that really fair on the rest of the world?)

Oh, and I ADORED the ending, because of the reactions. There was just no moment where he thinks, "oh she loves me. Lets fall into each others arms". Derek's suspicion was so endearing! Not to mention indignant!Casey (and clueless Casey) thinking that she's declared her love and now it should be all sunshine and roses, except hey, look, it doesn't change.

Which is just all kinds of awesome!

And SHE pulled him into the kiss. Dom!Casey FTW!

Also, the kissing scene was ultra-hot, but the part after tha? Epic. Just. Epic! I heart you so much :)
kacysparrow chapter 7 . 7/17/2009
lmfao this chapter made me laugh soo much lollz!

sad its finished but what a fun way to do it haha

lo0ves ya x
DareYouToMoveVicky chapter 7 . 7/16/2009
Haha this story was awesome and that last part made me laugh so much. You're a great writer.

Victoria A.K.A. _DareYouToMove_
abandoned five-ever chapter 7 . 7/16/2009
The last part was icing on the cake. "You watch from the window." I cracked up and my family was giving me really weird looks. :-D

Derek was perfect to a T. Knowing how he feels yet denying it. And Casey. Casey, Casey, Casey! I just love it. LOVEloveLOVE! You are awesome! There is no other way to put it. Except are simply amazing. :)

Again, amazing job.
DisforDasey chapter 7 . 7/16/2009
Yay! Congrats on finishing your story!

Aww, that was such a sweet chapter! Yes, Derek is a pansy :D
wprincessannw chapter 7 . 7/15/2009
lol very cute but funny - my fav part was when Casey made Derek realize she really does love him :)
Frogster chapter 7 . 7/15/2009
That last part makes it clear...Derek's still the same...:)
wprincessannw chapter 6 . 7/13/2009
oh I'm so glad! and I mean Derek may be/or been pissed but we all know that when it comes to Casey he can never stay mad for long! and vice versa :)

more please :)
WhenLighteningStrikes chapter 6 . 7/8/2009
Casey neurotically (notatall) knowing the time right down to the seconds? That is SO her! (And I love Edwin since I'm into the whole 'full sentences while texting/IM-ing' too!)

Haha! And CASEY finally taking initiative? She so needed to do that and I'm really glad she did. Also, I'd have liked to be there to see Derek's face (aww...) during the ILY moment! Last chapter? Sad! But I hope you update soon! :)
kacysparrow chapter 6 . 7/7/2009
BRILLIANT hun! ooh im so excited for the next chappy now!

keep it up!

update soon!

lo0ves ya x
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