Reviews for The Woes and what Nots of Dating
rocklesson86 chapter 38 . 5/14
I just found this story and I loved it. Quarantine got searching for Twilight stories that were written long ago. This story made me laugh and I needed the laugh.
Loveforwolves143 chapter 34 . 11/7/2019
I honestly domt blame Leah for not forgiving Emily because in a way, Emily would have had to want Sam romantically. They say it themselves "you will be whatever they want and need".

Leah doesnt have to forgive Emily and people shouldn't tell her she should. Nice people make mistakes but that doesnt mean that all can be forgiven. Leah can be civil with Emily, she shouldn't have to forgive her and that all that people should expect from her.
Loveforwolves143 chapter 11 . 11/7/2019
In some ways I do feel bad for Sam that he feels bad for leaving Leah but he needs to realize that she doesnt want them in her life. I would honestly get tired of him if he was pushing me like that all the times too.

It is selfish of him to be constantly interfering with her life when he has no say in what she does. He can sit there and say that he loves her, but it isnt love. It possession.

Mental and emotional pain are the types of pain that stick with you for life. And not being able to have any privacy probably isnt going to help. Anger is an emotion that isnt that far from grief. She doesnt act like a bitch because she wants to.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/23/2018
Seriously this chapter was fucking hilarious.! Especially the edward and leah scene..and leah imagining jake and edward's hunting trip had me in stitches..
Anonymous chapter 4 . 7/29/2017
I just started reading fanfiction a couple days ago. Leah was always one of my favorite Twilight characters and I was never satisfied with her life by the end of Breaking Dawn. I usually NEVER write reviews/comments, so please know that I sincerely believe that this is the best fanfic story I have ever read. I swear if this was book I would buy it (I soooo wish it was)! It shows the development of Leah's and everyone else's didn't just throw the Blackwater in there, you showed the journey, making it believable and read. You made a way around that disgusting and stupid Jacob/Renessmee imprint bs. And the interludes were freaking genius! I hope you keep writing because I think you have a talent.
Kosha chapter 21 . 5/29/2017
I just came across this. Im new to fanfiction and let me tell you, this is live. The big Twilight size hole left in my chest has been filled by your amazing account of Leah's life.

I always thought she was the most underated character in the entire series. It's good to see that some one finally gave her the much needed justice. Love it, love you.
Guest chapter 11 . 4/26/2016
The nerve of this man.
By the way totally love your writing.
Guest chapter 5 . 4/26/2016
Blackwater its my OTP
But i loved Ethan with Leah
calvinkliens chapter 9 . 3/19/2016
You really make me wish Leah was fucking dead. You make her seem like a stupid whiney bitch. That needs to die.
Guest chapter 5 . 2/21/2016
But i like ethan and leah.
Well its your story, but i think they are great together.
Guest179 chapter 1 . 8/28/2015
Great start. Wonderful work.
PastOneonta chapter 40 . 8/3/2014
I enjoyed the story, the out takes, the epilogue. I laughed and other times was heartbroken. It wrapped up well with Jacob's proposal to Leah. Jacob was perfect as Alpha, friend, boyfriend, brother. I am so glad he is not with Nessie and that the vamps did not have too big of a role in your story. Thanks for writing and leaving this posted for new readers.
PastOneonta chapter 30 . 8/3/2014
"Burning pile of dog crap...yeah, that wasn't a happy time" I laughed and laughed. I would like to see Bella flip out too now that she's lost Jacob for good.

Congrats on the nominations, I know it was a long time ago but congratulations.
PastOneonta chapter 21 . 8/3/2014
I laughed out loud at Jacob freaking out over his sister's garter. That was really good. But what did Leah say to cause him to leave?
ActuallyCassy chapter 1 . 2/28/2014
My favourite Leah/Jacob fanfic. :)
There aren't that many fanfictions about them out there and the ones that are.. I don't know. Never really made it through most of them (I'm really really picky about the stuff I read.. ;))
But yours was just awesome. Everything I wanted in a Blackwater fanfiction.
Good Job :)
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