Reviews for Friday Night
ladywinterfic chapter 1 . 6/3/2010
"Because when you stand up," Sasuke made an upward gesture with his arms to indicate what direction he meant, "it's always in the east."

dancingqueensillystring chapter 1 . 1/1/2010
Awesome. Sasuke drunk is very interesting. It makes me wonder what type of drunk I am. But, I don't drink, so I guess I'll never know. Anyway, really funny. Naruto is very honest when drunk. That was amusing. I think my favorite drunk person was Shikamaru, because I wasn't actually sure if he was drunk or not, which made things way more interesting.
ivy-tsuta chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
Great! I love picturing crack inside my mind. Haha! And this one is really funny. I like Sakura and Ino's conversation.

Nobody is really OOC, which is good. I like when they retain their own personalities but are still funny. :)
17AutumnLeaves chapter 1 . 4/23/2009
That was awesome.

I know it probably won't happen, but I kinda want a chapter 2, just for more of drunken mayhem : D

I really like the way you write your characters though, they seem much more...real than most other authors, gut gemacht!

Also, Naruto and Sakura remind me of my friends _