Reviews for Three Little Lovebirds
The Accident Experiment chapter 32 . 1/16/2019
Please update!
N7 sniper chapter 1 . 2/26/2018
come on update
HairyLimey chapter 32 . 10/21/2015
Two and a half years since you last updated?
Oh for the love of God please tell me this story isn't dead!
tempetepapillon chapter 2 . 10/14/2015
while the lower part of the leg is slightly more "pushed back" Quarians have knees, that bend just like human knees. Consider editing this... Apart from this I really love your story
Infinity Comes To A End chapter 32 . 6/24/2015
This is great!
Guest chapter 16 . 2/18/2015
Your shadow broker is too powerful too far reaching and unchecked are you seriously making a threat as great or greater than the reapers or cerberus? Its dumb and too much bs for one galaxy. Pick an enemy and keep it not this axis of evil that seems only a matter of time im done reading this. You habe no continuity no flow too jumpy not a good read.
Lord Sunder chapter 6 . 11/25/2014
I couldn't help but throw in my 2p on this one... the flip-flopping on your eroticism irritates me. It's like you really nail the emotional connection and sensuality one sentence, and then you start talking about 'tissues' in the next when referring to breasts, and it's like we suddenly lapsed into a medical textbook. Seriously, while adipose tissue is a constituent of the human mammary region, it's not particularly erotic to bring attention to that. Likewise, I think some of your uses of 'flesh' are a little suspect, because 'skin' would probably work better. It's like... visceral imagery regarding lumps of steak rather than two women grinding on one another, you know? Imagery is really important for sex scenes, and the way it is right now, it was like being jolted back and forth really fast.
ScOut4It chapter 2 . 1/27/2014
Very sweet!
Cute with Tali and her cuddle and intriguing with Liara and her sensing.

I look forward to seeing her thoughts on the evening.
ScOut4It chapter 1 . 1/27/2014
Believe me, lengthy stories aren't a deterrent, but a selling point.

I like that you are going for a complex relationship here.

I'm fine with it veering from canon.

Nice writing :-)
Yuri-hime chapter 20 . 10/8/2013
Glad Shepard FINALLY realized what a dunderhead she was being.
Yuri-hime chapter 19 . 10/8/2013
Yikes, looks like you have someone hounding you for the slightest spelling error in your reviews *rolls eyes person* :-p
Guest chapter 19 . 10/8/2013
So wait...wasn't Liara 'dying' before...this calling for some MAJOR suspension of belief me thinks -.-
Guest chapter 17 . 10/8/2013
So...even though this is supposedly Liara's dreamscape...the focus has still been mainly Shepard/Tali...*sigh*
Yuri-hime chapter 13 . 10/8/2013
So...yeah...the majority of this story is in some SERIOUS Tali/FemShep territory. 13 chapters in and it *truly* does seem as if your writing mind is actually geared more towards the Tali/FempShep relationship, than to the Liara/FemShep one. Nothing wrong with that, it's just quite a bit misleading for the reader. As I said it's 13 chapters in and we have had sex scenes, and now what basically amounts to a proposal from Tali to Shepard.
In all reality, it's simply unrealistic for Shepard to also love Tali anywhere *near* as much as she 'claims' to love Liara. Shepard even just said it herself...Tali owns *half* her heart...where exactly would Liara fit into that? I'll keep reading this story as it's still just so damn good and well-written, but just wanted to make the point that at this point in the story, it is EXTREMELY unrealistic for Shepard to *also* be in love with Liara, without her seeming like a two-timer. I'm interested to see if you can still somehow pull this all off. On to the next chapter :)
Yuri-hime chapter 11 . 10/7/2013
For someone who claims to love Liara, Shepard has a pretty terrible way of showing it. Did she ever even visit Liara after she hurt her ankle? And she turned tail and ran like a coward when Liara suffered cardiac arrest. is WRONG with Shepard? D:
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