Reviews for Tuned and Confidential
Randombutawesome chapter 31 . 9/3/2017
Hey there
I just read till chapter 31 and realised that... There is no ending!
Plzplzplz end dis its so good and i want to read itl!
Could u plz finish it? 4me?
Lillywhite1 chapter 31 . 6/28/2015
Thanks for writing, i loved to read your story. I would like to read more, please!
mcutie chapter 31 . 2/9/2015
WTF you left there! ! Please finish the story even tho its been like 6 years
me and my edward chapter 1 . 8/27/2014
WHY...WHY...WHY did I start this story and not look to see when the last update was...that is just cruel not to finish when so close to the end...well what was written was good...for shame!
Juroka chapter 31 . 1/22/2013
Could you please, please, pleeaaaasseee finish this story? (:
cynosure-error chapter 31 . 8/10/2012
fv chxlkjxhvlhjsavljhf lvdjks UPDATE SOON! pwease with a chocolate dipped cherry on top?
what a cruel cliff hanging by my teeth.

but it has been absolutely awesome so far :)
when.the.tears.fall chapter 31 . 7/14/2012
So um... Why did you stop the story? I freaking love it! It's truly amazing! Please continue
Vampfan1 chapter 24 . 10/11/2011
Wow! finally we get some insight to all this. BUT...I do have one burning question that I hope you will email me and answer. In the story Alice was adopted by Edward and Eliz Masen. When they died she was in the hospital so the hit men didn't get her. Carlisle knew this and Edward would have gone to the same hospital after his attack. He took Edward home because he had no one. If Alice was his adopted sister, why didn't Carlisle and Esme take Alice in as well? After all they had pics of her as a family relative just like Edward. What happened to Alice? Why would they have grown up not knowing each other at least from the time of the attacks forward? Who the heck raised Alice? Where was she? Please answer this for me. It seems like a HUGWE gaping whole in the story and has me wondering why Carlisle and Esme would just abandon her.
Vampfan1 chapter 10 . 10/11/2011
Yeah. I think Alice and Edward are siblings lost to each other after they were taken from their true parents. I get the feelng that maybe their parents were abusive and that maybe dad killed mom or something like that and then dad came after Edward in the closet but somehow he and Alice survived. Either that or someone broke in and killed their parents leaving them orphans who were adopted seperately. But then why wouldn't Carlisle have known about alice and taken her too? Anyway those are my theories. Also I'm enjoying the story. Are you really only a 7th grader as you write this? That's amazing. You go girl! You have a serious talent!
TammiC chapter 31 . 6/29/2011

Great story, I love it

When will you update (soon please?)
missespeterpan chapter 31 . 1/28/2011
hey! great story, just finished this last chapter :D.

I'm really hoping you're not ending it like that. you haven't updated in a while, so I'm like CRAP! this girl has to finish this story! I too am a thirteen year old author, haha :). but man, this story is amazing. I love everything about it. so, for the sake of all your fans, PLEASE update!

Lilpolitic chapter 31 . 12/20/2010
aw. you havent updated since forever. i just finished reading and i am hooked. hopefully, after a year you can give your avid readers a new present!
Kirsten.S.Salvatore chapter 31 . 11/27/2010
AHHH! PLEASE REVIEW SOON! This is my guilty pleasure (mostly cause my bestie hates twilight) and i cannot wait till the next chapter! This story deseves way more reviews!
the fat cats meow chapter 31 . 10/22/2010
gaaah you have to finish this story!
EboniJade chapter 31 . 10/4/2010
This story is really good...really good! Even though it has been a while I cannot wait for you to update!
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