Reviews for Anything For a Friend
Vladmir312 chapter 7 . 10/3/2011
Any possibility of an update soon? Please? This story is great!
Shalemaster chapter 1 . 5/25/2011
Jonathan Vyborg

Age: Unknown

Birth place: Unknown

Species: Human/Nano/Robot

Height: 4’3”

Weight: Classified

Hair Color: Charcoal Black

Eye color: Aqua Green

Skin color: Bronzed Tan or Bronzed


Appearance: Short-ish for being human, lean, average athlete build and bronzed tan skin. He has Aqua green eyes as green and blue as the sea. His black hair is as black as charcoal. He wears blue jeans, black, red and yellow shoes, a white t-shirt, a black vest with red lining and shadow black gloves.

Personality: Kind, calm, yet sad. He acts calmly in almost any situation and location no matter what. He is very tactical. He can pretty much handle every situation.

Abilities: Hacking, fast regeneration, nano-robot control, enhanced strength and endurance, super-computer like brain, and high resistances to all damage.

Likes: MUSIC, living, plants, animals, food, nano-technology, and science

Dislikes: MUSIC haters, robots, and robo-makers.


History: Born in well that is unknown and his birth certificate was lost. He joined the army and completely decimated the enemies. He was part of an elite military squad. He was the leader and he won two wars. He somehow opened a portal to another world during a takeover. There he was captured by Dr. Robotnik put into Nanoization process X. He escapes and helps the Freedom Fighters until a certain point then goes off for some soul searching with his nanites and now he returns to help once more.

He plays the ocarina.

Pet: Nanites, appears as silver solid mass on occasion.
a random person chapter 1 . 4/15/2011
more about audrey: she has accelerated healing (5x faster than normal) can turn into multiple objects, can shrink to the size of the period at the end of this sentence(unless she turns into a swarm of things like nanobots that are microscopic, and their collective volumn is the size of the period) and can grow to the size of a very small town, complete with moving cars people and stuff, which she did once, and she can turn ino things like light, water, air, fire, steel, electricity, etc. however, she is highly vulnerable to fire and electricity, more than normal people. even if she turns into whatever it is, she can only remain as it for 1 minute. also, if she turns into light or something to get somewhere really fast (if lance doesn't figure out what she will do, she can be out for up to a week, and very dizzy and disorientated a while after.

Lance can also alter reality and manipulate energy
random person chapter 1 . 4/15/2011
Name and/or nickname(s): audrey

Age: 17

Gender: female

Eye color: blue

hair: blonde, hip-length

species: human looking human-alien hybrid


Dislikes: lance

Pet/choa partner and what they look like

Clothing: black corset/dress thingy,knee-high heels, leggings, dragon necklace and bracelets

Powers/Abilities: shapeshifting/metamorphing

Anything special or different: on the good side. has twin brother named lance

Musical instrument or singing:good at singing


Name and/or nickname(s): lance

Age: 17

Gender: male

Eye color :blue

hair: blonde, slightly spiked/swept back

Species: human looking human-alien hybrid


Dislikes: audrey

Pet/choa partner and what they look like

Clothing: combat boots, blue jeans, black t-shirt, jean jacket

Powers/Abilities: can control/alter/use the powers of dimensions(eg. can give himself superspeed by slowing down time, or can use telekenesis)

Anything special or different: causes trouble for other people- works for eggman. has twin sister named audrey.

Musical instrument or singing
Amaranthin Dae chapter 7 . 1/10/2011
Cruxis' Kingdom Heart Cherubim chapter 1 . 7/26/2010
Oooo! Please continue!

Name and/or nickname(s)Clarice Aido

Nickname- mostly called Clar



Eye color-Teal

Hair- long and mostly red with orange tips and bangs


Likes-Sports,music,Arts,fighting, stealing from others,loves making others extremely mad

Dislikes-Breaking promises,bullies, people stealing her stuff, racism

Choa- normal choa with a starry bow named Lucy

Clothing-long sleeved (Dark) red shirt,dark red skirt,white gloves,black pants,black shoes and a amethyst colored locket. (If you need a better picture I'm uploading a picture on Deviantart account Kokoro567.)

Powers/Abilities-create objects/living things from drawing or writing (Like a fantasy story or something)

Anything special or different-Lightning blue star mark on her left check,She sometimes gets EXTREMELY painful headaches, where it looks like she's glowing, and she hears a voice, sometimes giving her advice or just saying really confusing things. (Need example, see the first episode of tales of the Abyss, when Luke gets a headache.) She can sometimes faint from the pain. Can use element based magic like fire and can use healing spells with her hands or sword. (element powers-mostly sword healing-hands)

Musical instrument or singing-Guitar,singing,drums,keyboard, and flute

Info-She was human until she either accidently created a portal to Mobius or some unknown force pulled her in. Clar is a always looking on the bright side of things.
Shippo's Ramen chapter 7 . 6/6/2010
I have to say, it may not e the best chapter you've written, but it sure tied up a lot of loose ends. Not to mention how well you used Nick's Randomness. (Snickers)Portable hole... I give it a 7.5/10. Also, I tried out that theory that I could fit through and 8 inch opening... IT WORKED! Although, I ALMOST got my head stuck... maybe I should have goe for an extra inch...Keep it up! Ja Ne, Shelby-Chan! Shippo Out!
Auramaster724 chapter 7 . 4/2/2010
oh geez u dont need to thank me, I was just helping out since u ish me freindz. I liked ur half of the story, made me happy when I read it, so much that lead up to my part, perfect combination n..n. AS for the dood that said that they wouldnt want to meet me in a dark alley, dood Jose my be my personality but thats the old me, now if ya get to know me then u dont have a problem...unless u piss me off or am already pissed off and u make it worse XD

either way, keep up the good work Shellby
Erased Artist chapter 7 . 3/31/2010
Awesomeness I particularly liked the end part; props to AuraMaster for excellent writing

The amount of cussing in this chapter surprised me O.o Oh well, that's what I get for not talking to you for half a year (sorry again about that but you know what happened) *shrugs* People and words change huh?

Huzzah for Jose for switchin' sides~Still wouldn't really like to meet him in a dark alley though xD I'd be sure to keep out of his way if I ever met him xD
Ahardie chapter 7 . 3/31/2010
Very very nice, but damn my guts hurt, and very good work on your part of the chapter Jose.
Shippo's Ramen chapter 6 . 3/21/2010
(Winces) Boy, I'm gonna hurt in the morning... This was an eventful chapter. If anything, It filled in a lot of blanks. Something I wanted to ask you...Oh! I'll send an Email. I'm kind of wondering if anybody else got captured. I know I'm probably going to be easy to transport,(REALLY heavy sleeper) Matt will stand a chance if he wakes up in time, Nick, Well, he could always conjure up something like an AK-47 or an R.P.G. Launcher. Unfortunately, I see no way for Alex to escape seeing as how he's filled with "Intestinal Chowder"...(Gawd, been awhile since I've been online or left a review for that matter...) My "Trouble Alarm" Sometimes helps me find things, even if I don't know where they are, so if I get even the smallest hunch, I'll track it until I literally either collapse, or someone stops me. Also, I'll be sending an addition to this review soon. I don't want to end up revealing anything that could have the SLIGHTEST chance of occurring. Ja Ne, Shelby-Chan! Shippo Out!
Erased Artist chapter 6 . 3/8/2010
"Nick's scared of bees, he's never been stung and he's scared he might be allergic to them so he avoids them at all cost,"

"Uh he doesn't, another fear he has: the fear of needles,"

Sounds like Baron Von Beef Dip has a lot in common with me . Same for me on all accounts there, except I'm slowly overcoming my fear now, facing it and forcing my muscles to relax every time I get a shot or get my blood drawn. At this point I don't get as freaked out about getting shots any more! Getting my blood taken, though...I still hyperventilate during that, true...

That Jose the Hedgehog sounds like someone I wouldn't wanna meet in a dark alley. I'm curious about that Queen. Funny that she conquered the dragons but is unable to conquer the monkeys. You'd think it'd be the other way around since dragons have awesome powers or at least I do when I am one, but oh well! I hate monkeys ;

Excellent chapter! Now I can start hounding you to write the next one! ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF *is kicked*
Ahardie chapter 6 . 3/7/2010
Ah eve, my favorte little pet, be good for Shelby.
Auramaster724 chapter 6 . 3/7/2010
yayz an update, good use of Jose's hunting skill.

the chapter rocked and didnt suck, keep up the good work
Shippo's Ramen chapter 5 . 2/11/2010
W00T! I got ungrounded just in time! Awesome Chapter! But... Now I have a craving for an Egg McMuffin. Aw well. I got some bacon and eggs in the fridge. About the tongue thing, I had a craving for bacon before it happened, and even afterwards, I still was hungry! (It was close though.) But honestly, An enormous library, a basement full of fire demons, Hot Springs, and who knows WHAT else! All In The Same HOUSE! TOTALLY WICKED! I am SO anxious to see what else you've got planned!EEP! 5:30! Dinner Time! Ja Ne, Shelby-Chan! Shippo Out!
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