Reviews for Two
Guest chapter 7 . 9/8/2018
Great story.
tanzar81 chapter 7 . 11/8/2015
Lol that's too funny. I don't care that you Killed them(or atleast apparently killed them). But its the way you did it and the fact that Naruto wasn't even the Hero in this fic. The way it ended Nagato was the Hero.

Oh well for a second language it wasn't too horrible to read. I have read worse from people who speak English as a first language.
agitofang666 chapter 7 . 2/4/2015
wow they had it happy in one chapter and you killed them in the next what a bull shit
Guest chapter 7 . 9/17/2014
What the fuck?! Not only can you NOT write stories, with your shit english and grammar, you DARE to put that it's shithead traitor Sasuke that kills Naruto?! That will NEVER FUCKING HAPPEN YOU TWISTED FUCK! Naruto would NEVER die at the hands of that twisted Uchiha shit! If anything, Naruto would destroy Sasuke and leave NOTHING to bury. He'd rip that ugly little uchiha shit to pieces, so FUCK YOU AND YOUR SHIT ENGLISH!
SkyRage chapter 7 . 5/31/2013
Good story though.
asa chapter 7 . 4/18/2013
You kill em yu fucking bitch ! i hate yu
Iron Exile chapter 6 . 11/27/2012
Dude you watch too much porn...
nequam-tenshi chapter 7 . 1/13/2012
A good plot desipte the ending. The way they died was lacking - anticlimatic to be exact.
ElementalMaster16 chapter 7 . 9/25/2011
such a sad ending (T_T) but a great story! you might want to rewrite it now that your english is better though (_)

by the way, isn't Tamaki a brunette?
D00rFr4m3 chapter 7 . 8/17/2011
Good story. English isn't your first language,huh? It shows, although not enough to bother anyone. One mistake you seemed to make repeatedly is that you left out the A alot. For example, this part of the story has two. "Ino, you can work with other's minds, right?" Ino raised her eyebrows, not understanding where Naruto was getting at, but nodded. "Good... There is...(Theres the other one. It should be A Friend of Mine)-friend of mine who constantly has nightmares... Maybe you could help." -(Heres one. Its THE gir)- Girl sighted. Btw, its Sighed, not Sighted. Well, those are pretty much the only errors you have that are common. Well... aside from mis-spellings. I'd get a good beta thats really good at English. That should fix all your problems. As a side-note thats sort of a personal opinion, Why such a sad ending? I like happy ones. Lol.
Reishin Amara chapter 7 . 3/7/2011
not bad,not bad at all. a sad ending,but like it still.

Im planning on having Tamaki in a fanfic soon too,but ill start mine from the begginning, or when Team 7 met the younger Tamaki during the mission where sasuke had to collect the cat pawprint(Filler after pein attacks konoha).

I most likely will have Naruto save Tora by catching him NICELY, and then having him get the firelord's wife to stop abusing the poor thing. In return,Tora will give Naruto the cat scroll. Upon signing the cat scroll,Naruto will be reverse summoned to Nekobaa and her grandaughter will meet Naruto...they talk a little while,Nekobaa gets a sneaky plan and assigns Tamaki to tag along with Naruto. heh heh.

So basically,Naruto with Cat Summoning Scroll...

and yes,Tora is on the scroll, along with the ninja cats, AND the bigazz Tigers from the forest of Death, and FINALLY(eventually)...The NIBI. LOL

(the cat summoning scroll consists of every cat thats pawprint is added into the pawprint book.)(sound good?)
atlien03 chapter 2 . 1/13/2011
By the way I noticed you described Tamaki as a platinum blonde in the last chapter, but Tamaki is a brunette.
atlien03 chapter 1 . 1/13/2011
A NaruTamaki story. I love you for this!
jabbarulez chapter 7 . 12/22/2010
*CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP* BRAVISIMO! great story! too bad its over...

DragonOfApocalypse chapter 7 . 9/14/2010

i love it! T-T
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