Reviews for Gayly Foward- Never Straight
Luna Carya chapter 1 . 10/5/2005
That was awesome, specially the explanation for road killing... and the last part of the directions XD

Go you!
Scarlet Phoenix chapter 1 . 2/5/2003
Rock on, babe! Dr. Seuss IS inspirational! The title is genius _
youwishyouknew chapter 1 . 4/21/2002
chibbi chapter 1 . 3/18/2002
I STILL LOVE THIS FIC! every time i check my favorites list i end up reading it, and that is like a lot, it has definatly earned a place opn favs list for a very long time, probably until i become a boring old fart, and end up living in an old hut with 6 million pet cats!
Chibbi chapter 1 . 1/13/2002
ME LIKES HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE, its very good, gives me an idea,

A very drunk Heero, a very depressed Relena walking into a street, and a very big mess. Hmmmmmm sudden burst of inspiration, must dash, me likes by the way, you should do another one.
Grinnning Reaper who who sign in if she weren't laughing so damn hard she was crying chapter 1 . 12/29/2001
Ooooh! This is my next fave (Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice is going to be very very hard to top. It was that good.) I'm still sitting here laughing like a BAKA! I caqn hardly type straight! I'M TYPING GAY! _! That last line from Quatre was priceless! Write what happens when they get to the Preventers! Heeeeheeeeeheeee! Goes off laughing like a fool...
dark-dai chapter 1 . 12/22/2001
clever...clever! Cute story..the title pulled me in, cause well, it was so clever...and you worked that in very well. And uh, the suess jeep thing?, if you only friend actually said that once when we were at the beach. She was hanging out the window, screaming at people, flirting, and taking note of all the Jeeps at Myrtle Beach. Heh, it was funny. Great story...heh, keep writing.
Akurei Difficile chapter 1 . 12/20/2001
*laughs evilly* Ahh, that's my Gypsy. Relena finally gets what she deserves! Btw, love how you threw in the gayly forward never straight...glad Amy told us that one.
Kome chapter 1 . 12/20/2001
It was adorable! First off, I'd like to congadulate Duo for finally getting that bitch off of Heero's back...(Poor Hee-chan)...and second, I'd like to congradulate Quatre for that wonderful line at the end.
Natalie chapter 1 . 12/20/2001
I liked this. The best part is when they show up Relena (whom I dispise greately.)

Anyway, great story, great ending. I think I shall have to read more of your writing when I get a chance:-D

Natalie (sry, my friend sent me a link and I'm not a member of this site...she hasn't converted me yet lol)
bee3 chapter 1 . 12/19/2001
_ lol go quatre! *sings* carry on smiling and the world will smile with you i love ace of base i sing it in history! well done u
The Endless Waltz Project chapter 1 . 12/19/2001
yay! cute! "gayly" that rocks.
Icemagick chapter 1 . 12/19/2001
That was really funny! Even though I absolutely despise Relena with a passion, I kind of felt bad for her. Well, not really. She deserved it, the bitch!
Link I'm afraid but amused 621 chapter 1 . 12/18/2001
OOOOOOOH boy. That was a lot of Jeeps. The end is funny. (Go, Quatre!) Totally random, funny, and back to random again. Thanks, I think... *sweat drop* ~Link
angelshinigami chapter 1 . 12/18/2001
it was very cute -