Reviews for A Gash of Colour
TangerineTea chapter 1 . 12/4/2007
*sigh* That was so sad. I feel so sorry for poor Harrykins! I shall give him a hug! ("Come here, you poor little Gryffindor ball of fuzzy heroic, Voldielocksless-destroying goodness! Come here!") ("Get away from me, you stalker! Get AWAY! CRUCIO!")

Well, that kind of stung. XD Yes, I'm stupid. Bleh. BUT YOUR WRITING ISN'T, and that's what counts! (Gack, I wish I could write like you. _
Elizabeth Ski Faun chapter 1 . 5/9/2006
M. Delectable. I absolutely loved it. You did an amazing job, in every sentence. My favorite part was this:

"The hood of his cloak fell back as he bent his head to consider the mark, this being the closest he'd ever been to one. It was pretty. Not beautiful or gorgeous or intricate, just pretty. Pretty like calligraphy or lace was pretty. Calligraphy and lace and black poetry on ice-pale skin."

Wonderful! And how Harry kisses Draco's tattoo- that was nice and sweet. When my girlfriend cuts herself, I kiss the wounds, because I love her and I want her to be pain-free. _ Very well written. This goes on my favorites list!
Yu-ki.Sherry chapter 1 . 11/9/2005
Satan's Little Helper chapter 1 . 12/9/2002
YAY! Very cool. I love your descriptions! I want to write like that! It just sounds so cool!
Redrum chapter 1 . 11/24/2002
I don't really understand the regret part, but over all the story was really good. Great job.
Blue Yeti chapter 1 . 10/13/2002
That was an amazing piece of writing. The evilness and ... more evilness of it all was so brilliant. I'm not one for gushy reviews but that was very very good. the emotions you got and simplistic complication of it all was wonderful. I loved it throughly.

~Blue Yeti
reenka chapter 1 . 9/13/2002
did i never say it...?

why-ever not?

does everyone not worship this fic...?

the way it weaves, and the way it moves, and the way it sways, and the way it breaks into little pieces inside you after you'd swallowed.

and the way it feels almost evil.

it shows the thing it's telling, in a weird way.

it's sad, horribly sad, but inevitable and balanced and just-right to cut the deepest.

love lives in sealed bottles of regret".

~~sean ofaolain

it makes perfect sense, really.
Mawaridi chapter 1 . 9/7/2002

I'm a huge (though, as yet, non-reviewing *blush*) fan of your "M" series, but this was absolutely exquisite. Wow. I'm dumbfounded.

There are so many wonderful things in this fic I couldn't begin to list them all, although the dark imagery, the "falling" and the idea that Harry needs "Just a dip, a little touch of bad, to stop the burning within" are a few of my favourites. You have a beautiful, fluid, poetic way of writing and a grasp of language that leaves me slightly breathless when I've finished reading one of your fics. This one was no exception.

What I really love is your description of Draco. So many times (and I admit I'm guilty of it myself) he's depicted as this beautiful, angelic, pretty looking thing, but your Draco is cold and hard and probably more appropriate, really, given the rest of his character. "Draco wasn't beautiful asleep. Draco was never beautiful. His form was too sharp for beauty." I love that. Brief, but striking. the description of the tattoo, also, is briefly eloquent.

Actually, I'd been looking for a good Dark!Harry H/D fic for a long time, and when this was recommended to me I was happy just to find what I was looking for. But when I read it I found so much more.


Dala1 chapter 1 . 8/9/2002

Oh. *OH*. So dark and pretty and poetic. Lovely.
Sailor Slash chapter 1 . 8/3/2002
that was sad...

angsty and sad..

earthquake chapter 1 . 7/17/2002
Aaaaaaah! *faints*
Marionette chapter 1 . 5/25/2002
You have a fantastic way with words...I love this story, you captured them so well.
Natasksa chapter 1 . 4/1/2002
Your writing is like music, with a beat and tune, melody and chorus. It's seductive like evil and yet posesses a frantic beat hard and forceful like good. (or the good vs evil of your Harry ~ )
Devilchild chapter 1 . 4/1/2002
LOVED it- but um... burned what?
Devilchild chapter 1 . 4/1/2002
LOVED it- but um... burned what?
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