Reviews for An Average Wizard
Myke Marauder chapter 1 . 3/1/2019
What an incredible story..with so much real feeling that when I read I felt on Peter's side ... his resentment was almost palpable ... I do not know if you will read this review, but know that you get a fan of your writing ... Congratulations, and I'll devour all your stories.
Eryn Slith chapter 1 . 11/8/2016
This was great! It must have been hard on Peter to always be in his friends' shadows. And yes, as you say, we have all had moments of feeling Pettigrew-ish, and it really isn't fun.
a-perpetual-hiraeth chapter 1 . 10/23/2011
This fic reminded me that it is possible to love the unlovable.

I needed to read this. It spoke to me in a way that I cannot describe with words. Needless to say, I loved it.
MinervaEvenstar chapter 1 . 8/13/2011
A well-written look at young Peter's character. I think this is part of the reason why he turned as well.
JustDanny chapter 1 . 10/4/2010
Hehe. I love Peter, I really do. I know he was evil, blahblahblah, but I feel like I can understand him. I mean, having friends like James and Sirius -specially Sirius, who makes fun of him in those like five minutes Harry sees them in the Pensieve- would've been though. They were wonderful, yes -or so they say-, but, as you've put it, it's difficult to be an average someone when you're surrounded by "great" people.

Thanks for this fic.
Lil Blue J chapter 1 . 5/23/2010
This tugged at my heartstrings, and at the end you can see how the Marauders really did treasure Peter as a friend. Nicely written, and very canon-like.
Polar Deer chapter 1 . 11/2/2009
This fic is unacceptable. Peter can't be likeable, that's ridiculous. I demand this fic be removed immediately. I demand it!
hydraspit chapter 1 . 8/24/2009
I really enjoyed this look at Peter. It makes a lot of sense that he would feel overshadowed of his more talented friends. I really like that you show him being intelligent, I think Peter is written off as lazy or stupid far too often.

I also like how you wrote Peter's emotions. Even though Peter got over his jealousy a bit there at the end, it is easy to understand how it could eventually build up to the point where he hated his friends enough to betray them.

This was an uncommonly sympathetic and realistic look at Peter. I really enjoyed reading this. Well done.
lyin chapter 1 . 8/18/2009
wow, absolutely terrific fic~ you made Peter so relatable, even likable, while keeping the underlying current of what-will-be ("someday...")... a lot of Marauder-era stories push Peter under the rug until his betrayal, i love how in the plan at the end you establish Peter as an integral ("so bloody perfect that you're a rat!" ;D ) i also thought you painted a great picture of Sirius here too, how everything comes so easy to him and such, through Peter's resentment. thanks for the read, i really enjoyed it, good luck & keep writing! :D
Espoir Noir chapter 1 . 8/14/2009
Aw...I really feel for Peter, even though he turned out so horrible in the end. And you made me feel for him even more than usual. And angry too, because hate that feeling when you do all this work and don't get credited for it. I loved that it had a nice, sweet endin (but NOT overly sappy). And I liked that I could sense where Peter was headed too, why he would become the traitor. Well done!
xoxcrescentmoonxox chapter 1 . 8/13/2009
This is such a great look at Peter. The essay thing made me feel really bad for him, because I can see it having happened sometime at Hogwarts :/ Loved the sentence about how Sirius would land on all four feet if you pushed him out a ninth floor window. And the ending, when all of them banded together around Peter - that was really well done too. Great fic :)
Twinkie chapter 1 . 7/7/2009
You know, I can kind of sympathize with Peter. He's an average guy with way above-average friends, so he's always overshadowed, when if he was with anyone else, he'd probably be slightly above average. Of coarse, that does NOT excuse what he did, but it kind of explains it.
verity candor chapter 1 . 6/14/2009
Aw... I love how you show both the seeds of Peter's um traitor-ship (not a word, not a word, definitely not a word) and also why that little bit of jealousy takes so long to get anywhere. YAY!
Wolviesfan chapter 1 . 5/13/2009
Argh - I would have read this one sooner but a combination of hayfever affected itchy eyes and fiddly dissection work leaving me feeling crosseyed have kept me from avoiding looking at a computer screen as much as possible for this past week.

Anyhoo, now that I have read it, I have to say it's a very unique and interesting take on Peter. Although I don't like the adult Peter that we are introduced to in the books, I dislike how a lot of fic writers either dismiss him as being a part of the Marauders in MWPP era fics (if he wasn't considered a close and trusted friend, Sirius would never have suggested he be made secret keeper and his betrayal wouldn't have hurt as much) or write him as utterly stupid and incompetent (granted he may not have been as good academically as the others but he had to have a lot of a different type of smarts to manipulate and fool all of them, including Dumbledore). You've portrayed a Peter that is clearly considered an intrinsic part of the group, as the prank planning at the end clearly shows, and one, who although not brilliant is not incompetent either.

His resentment that his achievements are overlooked or dismissed, esp when he had to work so much harder than others to get those results, is an all too human trait and completely believable. I'm sure everyone in this world has experienced at least a moment of that kind of resentment in some form or the other and with something like that building up over the years... well much as I dislike it but logically I can see how that could lead to his eventual betrayal, esp if his own friends were unknowingly feeding that resentment.

Remus playing the diplomatic peacekeeper was spot on - out of all of them, he's probably the only one of the Marauders who could sympathise with Peter. Not to mention he probably feels a bit guilty for letting Sirius copy off him or slightly annoyed that Sirius got a better mark for what was mostly his work. I also like how you've clearly showed Sirius flaws - being lazy because he knows he can get away with it and him having a nasty streak when he's opposed - another thing that a lot of fic writers overlook, esp if he's being compared to Peter.

Keep up the good work.

Seconds and Stars chapter 1 . 5/13/2009
Wonderful job! Can't wait for your next one-post again soon please :-)

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