Reviews for Casualty
JackieStarSister chapter 1 . 4/14/2012
Wow. This is amazing. I love how you showed how each person reacted to and remembered Jet's death. It would make sense for Jet to keep fighting even when he's dying.

The only improvement I can suggest is to put in line breaks when different people are thinking; the transitions were kind of confusing as they were.

This was a beautiful tribute to a complex character. Good job.
threehoursofsleep chapter 1 . 6/25/2009
I think Sokka's part hurt the worst.
Angelfly06 chapter 1 . 5/28/2009
Nicely done if I do say so myself, it kinda immortalizes Jet. I liked it!
Lucrezia6565 chapter 1 . 5/17/2009
So tragic, and so incredibly written.

I loved what you did with Jet’s last thoughts, the distinction between ‘himself’ and his ‘selves’, all those different facets of him, ranging from his old desire for vengeance to his will to put up a fight even against death, to his regrets, to his longing for his friends, and more.

A fit ending for such a complex, awesome character (I never liked the idea that he’d just die there where he lay in Lake Laogai - and Smellerbee and Longshot too, supposedly. But hey, ‘it was all really unclear’ :D)

I liked how you described all characters' different reaction to both Jet’s life and death.

I loved them all, but I was most impressed by a few:

First, where Longshot silently offers Jet to put an end to his suffering, and Jet declines, then thanks him for the offer (so consistent with both characters; so poignant)


'“The prince,” he said. “All that, and you were the damn crown prince.”

And he laughed. And he laughed and he laughed.'

(Seriously, how ironic for Jet to find that out once he’s in the Spirit World – no wonder he laughs, now - and how awesome that Zuko, lost in his fever induced twilight, could sense that.

And then,

‘Smellerbee brushes Jet’s hair out of his face and lets herself weep openly. She has to; Longshot is frozen, impassive – even his eyes are wordless right now – and someone has to shed tears in his place.’

“even his eyes are wordless right now”, such a powerful, powerful image. And so right for Longshot.

Amazing work, *faves* :)