Reviews for Faceless
Nearflighted chapter 9 . 10/12/2019
(i’m too lazy to log in)

welp. i know you haven’t updated this story in 10 years, so it’s probably abandoned for good, but i wanted to stop by and tell you how good it is.

i’m not super familiar with the x-files (i’ve only seen a few eps of season 1) but as far as i can tell you’ve done a really good job with getting mulder, scully, and their relationship!

i love the original plot to this fic & the monster. it’s really creative and has both doctor who and x-files vibes. i think you’ve done a really good job at blending the shows. i wish there was more fic for this crossover! they can work really well i think depending on the doctor who vibe you use.

tbh i just kinda want a fic that gets the vibes of like. midnight & maybe waters of mars from doctor who, and that one ep that’s called ice (i think?) from x-files.

you’ve also done great with 10 and donna! they’re my all time favorite combo and they feel really in character.

i won’t pester you to update, even though i really would like a continuation of this story. but thank you for the fun adventure, even if you don’t finish it. :))
JaneValentine007 chapter 9 . 8/2/2019
Oof, seeing the last updated date for this awesome story kinda hit me. But I'll still be waiting for another beautiful chapter.
Hailey chapter 9 . 10/2/2016
Write more plese
thedogzoo chapter 9 . 2/3/2016
Holy crap- XD
Someone chapter 9 . 10/10/2014
Wonderful story! I hope you decide to continue it someday and update soon. :)
MewLover chapter 9 . 4/30/2014
I liked this
biomechanical chapter 9 . 3/2/2012
I didn't notice the date on this when I started reading it, but I really hope you come back and finish this story. You're writing style is wonderful, it really drew me in and I would love to see the conclusion.
Nataly SkyPot chapter 9 . 1/10/2012
Muy bueno, escribe pronto, por favor.
niver chapter 9 . 7/16/2011
This is a really awesome story!
Wes Carter chapter 1 . 7/15/2011
Very nice start! I liked how you set the atmosphere with the rain and you made Jeremy three dimensional with his back story set up in a few brief sentences. You caputred Donna and The Doctor marvelously. My one comment is that in the US we rarely call bars pubs and since it is set in New York, calling it a bar may make it more believable to us yanks. All in all, well done!
Elvaro chapter 9 . 4/1/2011
I really love this fanfiction. I will admit that I am new to the X-Files and have only seen the first season, but from what I've seen of that show, you've done a wonderful job with the for the Doctor Who half of this crossover, again, you've handled those characters extremely well. I especially like how you portrayed Donna.

I'm also impressed that you didn't give in to the temptation to instantly have Mulder and Scully team up with the Doctor and Donna.

I think I can safely say that this is the best Doctor Who/X-Files crossover and I sincerely hope that you choose to finish it.
wishyfishy chapter 9 . 6/12/2010
Okay this is turning out to be quite interesting and maybe a bit silly. But what can I say? I like it. I would love to read more...if you write more. I've noticed that you haven't updated this story in like 6 months, so I'm guessing you dropped this story...but you might still pick it up again, so I'm going to put this on my story alert list just in case...
Jack Cassidy chapter 9 . 4/24/2010


love it!

Update soon!
Imipak chapter 9 . 3/30/2010
You can tune a piano, but how do you tuna fanfic? Good story overall, but you might want to add a little to the bit on Mulder's change-of-heart, given his previous encounter with The Doctor (and The Doctor's reaction), together with Mulder's hazardous career choices. It feels a little awkward as-is, but not because of anything that's there. What's there is fine. The ending to chapter 9 is very Whovian and works from that perspective, it only needs a little bit somewhere in chapter 8 or 9 to close the gap.
Imipak chapter 3 . 3/29/2010
I promise not to kill you. The Dalek patrol to your left - well, they're another matter. :) Seriously, a good story and well-written.
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