Reviews for Indigo
jammer99 chapter 1 . 11/3/2013
I love the fact that Sasuke's guilt is ripping him apart while Naruto is so content and joyful. That's what you get.
Mahayana chapter 2 . 7/3/2013
...You know, I feel strangely appeased seeing here how normal and happy Naruto is, and how Sasuke is being eaten alive by guild, despite having gotten what he wanted. At this point... Naruto doesn't need to know the truth. He's found peace, and Sasuke has found hell within paradise, and it seems strangely fitting. Fair.
It probably won't last, and Sasuke is going to crack one day and confess, maybe on his deathbed. But all it would do is re-break Naruto, and bring Sasuke some strange semblance of peace... redemption. I'm not sure he deserves it. Not for the price of Naruto's sanity. Keeping his mouth shut is both the most selfish, and selfless, thing Sasuke has done for Naruto so far.

As a side-note, I am absolutely loving the psychological, moral, and thematic complexities of your stories. Even when they're not happy, they're always satisfying to read. I really appreciate that. Thank you for sharing your writing with us.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/28/2013
Please update soon! I really hope Sasuke tells the truth! I know you can make it a fantastic story!
Guest chapter 2 . 10/15/2012
I realy, realy want 2 kill sasuke,... sigh. Pliz write one where the entire truth comes out and naruto leaves him, the only beffiting punishment. It wd make me feel better. :( saby a
ovicati chapter 2 . 6/14/2012
Hi! You told me that this is going to be continued. TT_TT I don't mean to be persistent but is this still going to be continued? Thank you!
andReiki chapter 2 . 6/5/2012
Poor, poor Naruto; he's like a bird in a golden cage- and his captor will never, no matter what, let him go.

Sasuke truly is insane- we all see it? But from where does this need for Naruto come- he want's to posses the light?

It's great, lovely written and what I like the best- madness filled. Keep it up with updating and I'll keep on reading.
Airplanes chapter 1 . 6/21/2011
I realise that the intention of 'Indigo' was to shine some light on why Saske did what he did and the guilt that must be driving him insane, but reading these two chapters only made me angrier at him!

How could he do that to Naruto and get away with it? What, does he expect Naruto to just forgive him, after all the lies and betrayal? Stupid.

But anyhow, I do really love your stories and the melancholy that comes with it. Though I doubt there will be a continuation of the plot, it's been a wonderful read.

Once again, thank you for writing!
The Third Floor chapter 1 . 1/9/2011
I absolutely love this story and Purple. I've reread them both so many times; your writing style just captivated me. :)

I also love your depiction of Sasuke. He's so beautifully broken that I can't hate him. I know their relationship is based on lies and essentially screwed up...but their relationship really pleases me.

I remember my first reaction when I read Purple and how I was in awe/shock of the total mindscrew. I remember feeling at odds about their relationship, but I also remember your beautiful descriptions like when Naruto got into art and the visual of his red blood on the stain glass...I loved it.

I was beyond happy when I saw Indigo. They are both most definitely broken...but the idea of Naruto knowing the truth would devastate him. Or he would go into denial. Actually, he is in denial. It's probably wrong to adore this screwed up relationship.

Regardless, I just wanted you to know how much I love your writing. Sometimes people just need to know how awesome they are :) I don't know you. But you still make me happy through your writing. Thank you :)
BadCook chapter 2 . 10/2/2010
I hope you'll keep updating this, at least until when Sasuke finally lets go of his lies and builds up the courage to tell Naruto 'those are but lies, lies, lies' and that all he had done was to keep Naruto by his side.

But somehow, I have a feeling you won't.


But it feels good to read about Sasuke's guilt.

SlytheringSnake chapter 2 . 9/16/2010
Holy crap! I loved the chills that this one brought me. :)

I hope that was the reaction you were going for...

See you in another of your stories (I hope)

jka1 chapter 2 . 8/21/2010
I would really love to see Sasuke admit what he did to Naruto, I feel like this story in general will never have any real sense of closure until the truth comes out though I would be dreading Naruto's reaction. I know Sasuke loves Naruto but throughout the story I can't help thinking this is more like an obsession than true love - at least in Sasuke's case. You have no idea how much this story in general has really affected me, its the biggest mindfuck I've experienced from a story for the first time in years lol so kudos to you and your writing :D
RayOfSunshine88 chapter 2 . 7/2/2010
I get that Sasuke's fucked up, but in all honesty, if Naruto ever remembered/found out the truth (which is what I want because forcing someone to live a lie is more dangerous than making them realize the horrible truth), he would deserve the mercy shot more.
RayOfSunshine88 chapter 1 . 7/2/2010
...Six more years? All of lies? Ugh, Sasuke seriously disgusts me. Really. Truly. Does.
Lil-lo chapter 1 . 6/13/2010
Wow...I had just reviewed Purple and I lamented that Naruto probably would stay with Sasuke, but to see it in action is like whoa. I have so many new questions seeing that they've gone on for so long but I think that you've created those questions in a manner that I won't resent wondering.
MoshiMoshiQueen chapter 2 . 5/16/2010
This is the perfect scene and perfect title. You really are a brillant writer!
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