Reviews for Ben and Dean
groundopenwide chapter 13 . 7/6/2012
Wow. Just wow. I /adore/ Ben! I didn't read "Sunshine State" but I went back and skimmed it enough to get the general gist of who Ben was, but just...he was perfect. I'm usually not huge on OMC's because very few writers can implant a fictional character into Sam and Dean's life in such a huge way and pull it off, you know? But you really did. This story was wonderful. It really was.
OvertlyConcealed chapter 13 . 10/15/2011
Loved this story! So glad I found it!
Philadelphiacheese chapter 13 . 7/28/2011
This was soooooooooooo cute :D It was a great pleasure to read!
Crazydisasterforkicks chapter 13 . 2/9/2011
...I can't believe you only got 5 reviews for this! I love it! Like o really, really love Ben and Dean! Why do they look alike tho? Oh well... I enjoyed the YED a lot too :) lol, ahh, really good.

P.S. That is my really username but I was to lazy to login
Guest chapter 13 . 8/2/2010
It's over? Nooo, what a tragedy! Absolutely loved it, and I can't understand why this story hasn't gotten more reviews than it has. Probably because of the OC. I know I'm a bit weary about reading fics with an OC as one of the main characters, but Ben is just such a sweet and well thougth out character, so it really isn't a problem. Well done!
Tracy chapter 13 . 3/30/2010
Just came across this story and had to stop to read some even though I've read it all at your livejournal site at least twice before. I'm not normally a fan of fanfic stories with author created main characters (especially as love interests) but this is one of the best I've read. Ben is a well drawn character in his own right and your portrayal of his and Dean's relationship is wonderful. The right amount of emotion while still letting Dean be the macho man he is. Anyways, you definitely deserve more than 3 reviews so I just wanted to share my appreciation with you.
Anne1013 chapter 1 . 11/10/2009
I really liked this story, I guess I am just a sucker for a happy Dean. Will there be any more to this tale?

sylia91 chapter 13 . 7/7/2009
Just found this fic and loved it! Wish Dean was able to really find a Ben for real in the show. Kinda found Sam both irritating, irrational and hypocritical. He's the one that abandonned and hurt both Ben and Dean and yet he feels all self righteous and betrayed. John at least just recognized someone that loved Dean and would take care of him fully knowlegeable of who and what he is. Excellent!
unicornofrainbow chapter 12 . 5/21/2009
wow magical I love it. I love the the way you posted all story in one update. I read all three stories respectively. I was carving for Sammy Dean hug and finally )) I like Ben too he is sweet and cool. good job very interesting story.