Reviews for RuneMaster
poketeen99 chapter 12 . 8h
Basically Fleur in this story is like a summer camp girlfriend or whatever it is called. You know, a girlfriend you have just for the time you are at camp. Or a person you date for the time you are on vacation for example.
Ryan chapter 15 . 7/22
Damn, I really like Rune stories, they're always bound to be more creative than usual. It's a shame this is one of only a few great ones.
musicmadness4 chapter 18 . 7/14
This is so fun! I love that last paragraph. And it looks like the curse of the Potters lives on! Loved this fic :-)
gindensmi chapter 18 . 7/13
This was alsome!
G Fawkes chapter 12 . 7/12
'Davy'?! The rat looking friend of Dudley is Piers Polkiss. Do YOU even read the original Harry Potter books (that's called CANON. It is the set of RULES you go by to write your fanfiction), or did you watch the movies while babysitting your sister, and say "hmmm, I will write about this. No need to actually know anything about the characters".
Wow! Exaggerate much? Only TWO dementors attacked Surrey in book five. And 'hundreds of them' in YOUR fic? And making some kind of pulse that 'knocked them back MILES away'?
I give up. Quittin' time for this fic.
GF chapter 11 . 7/12
Who is 'Pompy?
GF chapter 10 . 7/12
'Conjectures'. I refuse to even look up 'conjunctures'. So not a word.

Oh. And it's 'Avada Kedavra', not 'aveda'.
EleanorThrush2897 chapter 1 . 7/11
The part about the twins didn't make sense at all, that's crazy. Honestly, I love Molly, but she was clearly wrong here. Fred and George are different from the other kids, and they've got their own ambitions. For shutting them down, for trying to sabotage their chance at a great future, in my opinion, Molly DESERVES to be hurt.
GF chapter 8 . 7/10
"They had fun during lunch" (?!)
Doesn't Canada have dinner or supper the same as the U.S.? The 'dinner' starts at like, seven or eight pm, with dancing following that. it ends at midnight,
They are not eating LUNCH in their dress robes and dresses.
sorry, my grammar Nazi got loose again...

"The champions were as impressive on the dance floor then on the battlefield."

Even if then or than were correct, it would be than, not then... but it's wrong either way. ' impressive on the dance floor AS on the battlefield' fits better. 'Then' is about time. First do this, THEN that. 'Than' is offering or comparing two choices. 'I would rather do this THAN that. Problem is, neither sounds right. Because of the 'as impressive' part, you need another 'as' to finish the comparison. 'As impressive as', but the second as CAN be several words away from the first part.
But still- what battlefield? I know, and you know, that you mean the tri-wizard tournament first task, but- a battlefield, really? I question the entire scene, sentence, whatever, just on lack of thought beforehand.
Oooooh! Now that ending was really, really good!

The Horntail wants a rematch! (the Hungarian could, literally be 'anyone from Hungary'. Hungarian just being the country where the DRAGON specie originates. 'the Hungarian' sounds like an incompetent hitman in a bad movie. Better watch out for the Hungarian. um, no. 'The Horntail, if we must abbreviate, lets you know you got a pissed off, gigantic DRAGON chasing your ass!
GF chapter 7 . 7/9
"who would want a half-breed woman after all?"
Moron! only their KIDS would be half breeds, if the girl is French and he is british. Wtf? like, setting foot on English soil made a french girl half and half? let's leave genetics to the smart kids and just write your rune fic. hmm?
Hell, I'd take any chance I got to grab a willing handful of Emma Watson's posterior. Willing being the key word.
Try THIS on for size ( /SdNlTj8 ) Emma in an evening gown, on stairs, hind end facing the camera
GF chapter 6 . 7/9
' an HG initialed (monogrammed) radish shaped, silk (hankerchief).'

Tissues are paper. Kleenex and Puffs are BRANDs of tissue. Both are made of paper. Tissues are not monogrammed or made of silk. Any more redundancy I can offer?

I don't mind mistakes. I MIND- stupid.
GF chapter 6 . 7/9
sorry, but...
They were NOT "sitting on the stairs, watching the cuo choose the champions"! There was a 'Selection Feast' in the great Hall, and every member of all three schools was there... mandatorily.
So people don't like it. Make a f***ing vow on your life and magic in front of the entire g***damned school that YOU didn't do it. Then, send your patronus THROUGH Ron Weasley.
GF chapter 5 . 7/8
"... the ginger boy still had to have results."
What does that mean?
G Fawkes chapter 4 . 7/8
'Installing' (?) his rune kit? 'Installing' his potion kit?
Neither of those work. 'Assembling'? Maybe 'unpacking'? Retrieving? Setting up? IDK, but installing is just the wrong use of the word.
And when harry isn't sure of something, he is 'torn', not thorn. (twice)
'Mrs. Black'-(Misses) is Sirius' deceased mother. 'Ms.' (mizz) would be her if she never married, bought a Subaru, and turned lesbian. (just a joke, to any militant types)
And no. She is batshit crazy from inbreeding and pureblood prejudice. Not runes. She is second generation in a row of first cousins marrying and having kids! They SHOULD all be completely f***ing retarded! (I actually AM qualified to say that. I have an autistic son who is thirty years old. I've put in the work)
COPOREAL patronus. Not corporal. Corporal is the dude peeling potatoes in a war movie. Corporeal is - aw f*** it. You look it up!
Or... Sirius could actually BE an adult, take guardianship of Harry away from the bearded nancyboy headmaster, and TRY to act like a father would have.
No firewhiskey! Bad dog!
GF chapter 1 . 7/8
"Over exited female friend"?
Never had THAT problem before. 'Over entered' may have come up a few times. As in, 'entered' so many times I wanted nothing to do with them. STDs for several. Past pregnancies and abortions. Like, when they were really, really young. Ex boyfriends I didn't want to be the guy with 'sloppy seconds' behind. (not for the girl in that case, but because the guys were such a-holes)
Girls who like drugs enough to do just about anything for them... like, an entire hotel room full of guys. A couple that were just, literally- prostitutes. THREE that had self medicated their ADHD and other issues so much they were now heroin addicts. (don't ever believe pot is not a gateway drug)
You name it, 'I' have found the reason to NOT have sex with someone... and luckily, just in the nick of time for a few of them.
So, no. Over -'exited' has never been a problem.
Wait, what? There is no 'second year introduction to Runes'. Harry is like, a week behind the kids who still aint learned jack squat about runes yet, in THIRD year.
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