Reviews for The Ouran Host Club Members Questions and answers
WeaselChiin chapter 9 . 11/20/2011
What... the... heck...? Twins... kissing?

Man, I'm gonna have nightmares tonight.


Red haired twins? Where? Where?
WeaselChiin chapter 5 . 11/20/2011
ZOMGZOMGZOMG, wile Honey said he likes 'Broken' I was listening to THE EXCACT SAME SONG, NO JOKE!

Just wanted to desperately share that strange fact.


Red haired twins? Where? Where?
Alpha14 chapter 2 . 10/11/2010
You know, in the last question, Haruhi practically described Takashi, and Takashi described Haruhi. Perfect match! Kyaa~!
AlterCattus chapter 11 . 5/18/2010
I've read all the way to here...I love this Q&A stuff! hecka funny XD It's such a shame that you won't continue this fic, though... but still, it's awesome :D
Chibi-Chanx chapter 11 . 12/31/2009
thats saddening! I liked this one.
MayContainRandomness chapter 11 . 10/30/2009
*feels utterly crushed but understands*
youreconfusingme chapter 3 . 10/3/2009
oh, how did you come up with this idea? it's really hilarious! :p

PS: That was meant as a compliment ;)
AuthorHasMoved chapter 10 . 9/5/2009
If this is still going, I have a question. Well a few. Tamaki, if you're Haruhi's father, who's the mother? And for Hikaru and Kaoru, A lot of people I know think Kaoru is more mature, even though Hikaru is older, do you agree? Oh, and Sorry Kaoru, but my best friend can't spell your name right...
AuthorHasMoved chapter 1 . 9/5/2009
I wish they'd make the video game in english too!
Morinozuka-chan12 chapter 10 . 8/15/2009
This is for everybody (besides mori and hunny): Why don't any of you call honey or mori by there first names?
Sebastian's Servant Felicia chapter 10 . 8/11/2009
Hey Everyone! im back and _ i have questions!


would you think about me being a friend to the nekozawa family? (i won 6 cats)

Tamaki and the hsot club:

take a guess as to why i wear ONLY red nail polish


i would like to have an audiance with u and ur family since i would like to meet them _


this may sound wierd, but everytime i look at u i think of the song: Rum Tum Tugger from the musical Cats,

uh thats all i have

Cio Bella

-Uchiha Felicia (with a new name _)
MayContainRandomness chapter 10 . 8/1/2009
Hi again :D I'm over the fact Kyoya didn't hug me but only becuase I bought a curse doll from Nekozawa and now he is forever cursed to living a life ALONE it can only be broken if you hug me or you shall be FOREVER ALONE.

Oh and yay for all the Haruhi and Mori moments, can I buy that photo from you of when they kissed?

I don't have any questions or dares for now but I promise that if I see either Tamaki or the twins anywhere on Haruhi and Mori's date I will KILL THEM SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY or if I'm not allowed to kill them I will just scar them for life *takes out flamethrower*
whitedragon92 chapter 10 . 7/31/2009

i'm excited a author posted this fanfic...

i just love it...


would you marry Haruhi in the future?


you are close to your cousin, but would let him go if time comes?


you know the saying "when people is in love, even the coldest person such as yourself will change"

do you think if you fall in love, you wouldn't care about the fame and money?


how can you stomach all those cake?


who is your favorite person in host club?

the twins-

i love you guys...

thought it makes me shudder at your brotherly love'


if you love that person, would you respect the person's wish of whoever she choose?


how much do you love your brother?
AugustTurnsBlue chapter 10 . 7/31/2009
...YAY! Kyouya's gonna kill Tamaki! If he wasn't the heir to the Suoh family...Oh, well. Wait...what was I talking about?...Whatever.

Tamaki: Go one even wants you. *Laughs evilly* Or you could just let me do it.

Kyoya: Help me kill Tamaki...please? If you don't, I'll tell your Dad that you have been kissing Tamaki.

Hikaru: ...I don't like you anymore...I hate you now. Well what do you really feel about Haruhi?

Kaoru: Here, have a cookie. It'll make you feel better. At least you're BETTER than Hikaru.

Haruhi: I HATE YOU! YOU BROKE HIKARU'S AND KAORU'S HEART! Don't you ever kiss anyone else...I'll make an exception if it's a girl...BUT I'M NOT A YURI LOVER!

Mori: *glares at him* I'm gonna kick your a**. Wait for that day. How would you feel if I did?

Honey: Here, have 30're just too adorable.
Your Wishing Star chapter 10 . 7/31/2009
Hiya! Love your Q/A's :D

First off... *waves to everyone* Hi!~ Love you Hikaru X3

Okay a few dares :) -

Tamaki: I don't hate you, but you can get annoying sometimes. Okay, King, I dare you to dance around in a pink dress, for an hour. )

Hikaru: I repeat, I love you but not because of you being smoking hot. (Okay so that's partly the reason). Anyway, if you love Haru-chan (piece of heart falls), why not tell her already?

Kaoru: You rock Kao-chan! Okay, I dare you to bungee jump, while singing the "I Love You" song from Barney, oh and you have to dress up as him.

Phommabouth: I dare you to video tape Kaoru bungee jumping, then go out on a date with him.

Kyoya: Why haven't you tried getting contacts? I'm sure it'll bring more customers seeing as how you look sexy without them.

Yeah, that's all I got. :P Love you guys! :)

- Mia
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