Reviews for The Auction
Buddy'sBabe chapter 44 . 10/14/2019
What a great story
Guest chapter 25 . 11/9/2017
not sure why Lula is drinking when she is pregnant. good story otherwise
Shanita67 chapter 44 . 5/4/2017
This was very sweet
Daffybduck chapter 44 . 12/17/2014
Awwww...just sweet!
deviates322 chapter 44 . 10/18/2013
Love this story. I think this is like the 4th time I've read it :)
jbspencer06 chapter 25 . 8/20/2013
Okay, I love this story but this chapter bugs me... I thought Lula was pregnant! And you have her getting drunk here. Is that an overlook on your part or is that really how you meant for it to be?
got2BaBabeFan chapter 44 . 7/29/2013
Just as good as the first time I read it. Love this story
rangerbabe.1 chapter 43 . 5/31/2013
Very sweet story. With a very fitting end. What'd Tank and Lula have.

I loved the auction. His pampering her. LMAO. at Ranger being shot in the ass. Very funny.
rangerbabe.1 chapter 19 . 5/28/2013
I laughed but she showered (that part I understand), plucked, shaved, exfoliated and waxed twice in one day. How quick does her hair grow. Thank goodness mine doesn't. Haha.
carrotmusic chapter 44 . 2/15/2013
Great story. Loved the ending especially, being a former EMT. Thanks for sharing and take care.
Vulcan Rider chapter 43 . 6/3/2012
I laughed so many times AGAIN all through this story. The miscarriage scene was so terribly sad, though, and I know how much grieving is really done. My family did the same, even when it was unexpected and too soon with my grandbaby, but I think you wrote it perfectly. Very compassionately and touching. There were so many parts of this story that I loved and I know I'll keep backing up and reviewing it as long as I have empty review slots, each time I reread it.

Love ya,

Maggie M.
rangerbabe.1 chapter 44 . 6/1/2012
What a great story. Loved how they got together. Only thing I didn't like was Rangers nod as a response to Jeanne Ellen. He should've given her what for. Well done
JET20 chapter 12 . 3/1/2012
OMG, I don't know the feeling of having a miscarried, and I never do, but I actually felt Stephanie's pain...You are awesome, I love your stories, but this one is playing with my emotions. Your Ranger know exactly what to say to make even me feel better after reading this...

(Me bowing) Master (Hands together)
Retrdtchr chapter 44 . 10/28/2011
It has been almost two years since you posted this, so I don't know if you are still reading reviews. However, I have to say this is a delightful story. I really did laugh out loud in several places! I liked that the baby was born at Rangeman with the guys helping out-seems fitting since they are such a part of the "family". Of course I would have liked more chapters, but you tied it up at an appropriate spot. Thank you so much for some truly happy reading.
Madjestic chapter 44 . 7/28/2011
I really do love this fic, its perfect
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