Reviews for Pain from the Past Or is that Future?
Laura Harkness chapter 2 . 7/16/2009
aw... this is so nice.

i think you should turn it into like a 50,0 word series of little stories just like this one!

i'm begging for more! help me to recover from my coe trauma!

(you know i'm being silly here.. i hope! but i'm starting to realize this sort of thing might be the only way i'll ever recover from what rtd did to my soul).
lunabyrd666 chapter 2 . 6/26/2009
This whole story was well written. Congrats on showing just how pained Jack was, it was done really well.

Great job!

RachelClaire chapter 1 . 6/5/2009
Poor Jack, John should totally show that video to the team! I think Jack's reaction was very realistic, I imagine he's trying to forget about that day like he tries to forget about Gray.

Anna xx