Reviews for Anywhere But Here
Perfect Chaotic Life chapter 30 . 4/10
What happens with Jasper and Bella's relationship? Do they repair it?
Varsini C P chapter 30 . 3/7
Wow. I'm speechless. The way you tell the story is simply astounding. What a great ending!
crackupmonkey chapter 30 . 2/7/2019
I just love this story! I just finished reading it all the way through. So glad you wrapped up everyone. Thank you for sharing.
Guest chapter 30 . 7/29/2018
Amazing story, can you write an extended epilogue
Debs0608 chapter 30 . 2/27/2018
Ahhh. I want more. I so thought this story was going one way but half way through you weave in new characters and a mystery. So very good. Thanks so much for your talented writing to Bring a new story to these characters I love so much.
Wonderful chapter 2 . 3/10/2017
Great. Another story where Edward fucks anything. Yawn. How original. Bella will swoop in and he'll be a one woman man. Romantic. Taming the whore.
luv-me-sum-edward chapter 30 . 10/11/2016
I've loved the story. I don't even know how fast I read it. I wish there was more. I wasn't ready to let go of them at 3 am when I needed to sleep so I could go to work.
AHotMess chapter 30 . 2/25/2016
I was a horrible lurker through out this whole story because I listen vs read it, but I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed it. It was an amazing journey. Thank you so much for writing it!

LovelyinLavender chapter 30 . 2/6/2016
Great story-kept me on the edge of my seat. But I feel like there were a lot of loose ends. I'm glad Edward/Bella and Kyle/Mandy are alright, and I'm glad the relationship between Edward and his father seems to be on the road to repair. But what about Jasper/Alice? What of their fate? Do Jasper and Bella ever reconcile down the road? What happened to James and Victoria/the rest of the drug lords?
mrsfifty chapter 30 . 1/9/2016
Wow this is amazing, very well written. Love how you write the story.
VampWitchCat chapter 30 . 12/23/2015
I really enjoyed this story! I only wish I knew a little more about what happens to everyone. Good job!
Lyndseyxx chapter 30 . 12/4/2015
Not my usual type of story but I'm glad I took a chance, really enjoyed this
roguefaery chapter 22 . 10/4/2015
I'm trying really hard to finish this story ... But your over-use of the word I hate most in the world is making it very difficult. I hate "the R word." And I especially hate it when people use it as an derogatory synonym for stupid. As I look at my beautiful nephew, who was born with a chromosomal defect, it's hard for me to understand how people can use that word so freely and so wrong.

BringAttentionToTheMatter chapter 30 . 3/14/2015
Oh, I was like 'Must check out all her other stories' after reading 'Breaking the silence' and iv'e already read this fanfic! don't know if I reviewed before, think I read this before I created my account, but very good, yes, really liked it!
Guest chapter 30 . 3/11/2015
nice story...amazing
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