Reviews for By Your Side
MeeMee-Love chapter 1 . 6/16/2014
Ummm... Billy was never heard from again but Rebecca went to the mansion to help Jill and Chris but ends up dying by the hands of a Hunter. (When you play as Chris) :( very sad
Metalmark chapter 1 . 1/6/2011
I don't know why I haven't read this one before but I love it. Once again you've managed to capture Billy and Rebecca perfectly and their playful bantering is always amusing to read. I love how Billy is so cocky and confident of himself and how awkward and "schoolgirl-ish" Rebecca can be in his presence; it's an amusing pair. xD

Oh, shirtless Billy for the win! :D

And yes, the ending was depressing but call me a sucker for angst I still loved it regardless. But it suited them in this story seeing as we all know where it was going to go with the ending. I really wish we would hear about them again in the games! There's a lot of characters with unfinished sides like Sherry; curse you Capcom for not giving us our closure! Dx

Anywho, always a delight to read your stuff. :3 Keep up the amazing work~

aj chapter 1 . 12/4/2010
sadly kiyah isn't here with me but that doesn't say how i feel about this fic. i friggin loved it, Billy still shirtless when holding little Becca i hope you make another part to dis with them finally together that would be aewsomw but i loved it anyway so keep up the absolutly great work. Luvy!
KnightOfNevermore chapter 1 . 3/15/2010
Okay; this is weird. I'm practically crying and cooing at the same time, but in a good way. I loved it, great in depth story; most shots like these are very short with few details, and are good; but not this good. So thanks for the great read, the way you portrayed Billy's feelings towards Rebecca and their relationship was beautiful.
Sirius-Black-is-not-dead chapter 1 . 1/30/2010
It is a beautifully sentimental fic of Rebecca and Billy. I just finished watching a Playthrough of RE0 and I fell in love with the pairing. I haven't watched RE5 yet if Billy gets reintroduced or not, but I'm still hopeful. This is a nice gem of a story, very good work!
crystaldrops14 chapter 1 . 1/20/2010
I really like this, its so cute.x3
shayxel chapter 1 . 12/28/2009
i loved it! it was so sweet but you still captured their characters and didn't make them too ooc and i come to truly love this couple i hope you write more
Autumn Lee chapter 1 . 12/2/2009
I really like the last 3 sentences, it got my heart all into a flutter X3.. it was really sad though :[ the ending of the game and the book make me cry (not really).
xSapphireLightsx chapter 1 . 11/1/2009
It's 3am, I'm tired and sleepy, yet I know I wouldn't sleep if I didn't review this before I slept. cause hey! anyone who writes this good deserves a review alright D

This has got to be one of the best stories on BillyxRebecca that i've seen in a...wait, this is the first, haven't read many lol x3 but i can tell you have wonderful talient! You wrote their personalites spot on from how they were in the game and built a more in depth detail of them, 3 pulled off insanely well muffin!

Things were written realistic as well, you gave an idea that didn't sound silly like "oh no Billy had a leech on his nose, off off off" x3 or something like that. even that bittersweet hug at the end was beautiful, it all was along with the flirting and jokes between those two. If i were a mad Billy Rebecca i'd most likely be hugging and screaming happily at you right now! _

well done writing such a sweet oneshot, keep up the awesomeness, cause i'm running out of words of how to describe how good your work ish XD
Rainfox88 chapter 1 . 8/31/2009
Billy and cute! I loved this fic...even though it slightly depressed me...sigh...Anyways, awesome fic! It was so cute! XD
gacktxx chapter 1 . 7/21/2009
I really liked this little one shot. Quite lovely. I just adore Rebecca and Billy. They're destined for each other.
Shad0w blossom chapter 1 . 6/27/2009
That was . . .

Ok sorry bout that hehehe

Ugh I still havent playd RE0 and I have a game cube...*tear*

i want to so badly,but i have to go buy if first...

I still know all the basic stuff though and I love billyXrebecca its so cute
Kitty-Kat bebe chapter 1 . 6/13/2009
Very cute story! I love how Billy and Becca interact!
D chapter 1 . 6/5/2009
wow this was a great story! i friggin loved every word! i hope to be able to read more from you in the futuure~

Jedi Masta D chapter 1 . 6/5/2009
This was actually pretty good and very well written, almost felt like I was reading an actual novel... from the middle going on to the end it reminded me of what an RE romance novel would read like! LOL! My only gripe is that I'm used to romance mixed with action... and there wasn't any action! Other than that good job !
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