Reviews for Shake Up
Ginger713 chapter 1 . 6/8/2018
I really enjoyed your story, which I JUST found! I LOVED the last idea! I have always thought of the two of them like that (father and son)! I hope you write more Jake & the Fatman stories! Thanks!
ADDAMSFAMILYTREE chapter 1 . 9/16/2016
Sounds good. Now, why send them to Paris wherein they work jointly with Inspector Closeau of Surete in a "JAKE & THE FATMAN"/ "PINK PANTHER" crossover?
valis2 chapter 1 . 9/6/2010
This was a great missing scene! I really wondered the same thing myself-what happened after that scene.

This was so true-to-Jake, too. I can just see him reacting like this. I enjoyed this story immensely, and I'm so glad you shared it with us! Thank you!
Gib chapter 1 . 7/21/2010
Ok, I know I'm almost a year late in reviewing this. Sorry about that. Since there's virtually no JatFM fic out there I think I just stopped looking... Until now.

This was a nice short piece to one of my favorite episodes. I think all readers including myself would love to see longer stories but beggars can't be choosers so I'm happy that you submitted this. Again, you nailed the characters to a 'T'.

I know I don't have the right but if I had one episode I would love to see in fanfic, it'd be a fanfic writers' version of season 3 episode 20 'Put Your Dreams Away' or at least a proper ending. I want to know what happened after the plane came to a stop.

Ok, enough begging. This was great, thanks for writing it and I hope you continue to keep Jake and the Fatman going.

AussieBlue chapter 1 . 7/23/2009
It's been so long since I've seen a Jake & the Fatman story! Loved this one. Going to write more?
wolfgirl69 chapter 1 . 6/22/2009
Thank you so much for writing a story for Jake and The Fatman.I'm hoping this will not be your last story for this show.I thought the story was good although I would like to see your stories longer and more interaction with the you again for writing this story I look forward to seeing more stories based on Jake and The Fatman.
mistX chapter 1 . 6/17/2009

That was a nice piece of writing about Jake and the Fatman. You gave some great details in the fight scence when Jake was being pounded into a pancake. (I have yet to see that episdoe.) You have McCabe's fatherly affection for Jake clearly evident in the narration & in how he dictates, of course in a fatherly way, what Jake needs to do. You had me wishing for more dialogue in the scene between Jake and McCabe in the hospital room. I can only imagine the fuss McCabe and Jake would have made about Jake needed to be supervised for health reasons. I applaud your work and hope you publish more Jake and the Fatman stories.