Reviews for Ladles and Pot Lids
IncubusRhapsodos chapter 1 . 12/4/2010
I officially died.



familiar fan chapter 1 . 8/22/2010
Yay! Reference from 358/2 Days! *claps happily* You know, if someone's mind was in the gutter, there would be some serious innuendo here. lol Great story!
Obsidian Thunder chapter 1 . 2/10/2010
you know, until recently i didn't really get this till i was looking up walkthroughs for 358/2days then watching the secret weapon videos, i couldn't help but laugh my ass off when i remembered this.
littlen00bgyn chapter 1 . 2/2/2010
I love how needy Marluxia is now that his innocence is being taken. It's so adorable.

Somehow this is starting to remind me a little bit of Twilight. No offense, just the fact that Marluxia's becoming obsessed with his own personal predator.

Vexen giving Marluxia his very own greenhouse again reminds me of Beauty and the Beast, where the beast gives Belle her own library.

Oh, poor Marluxia! He falls in love with Vexen only to find that Vexen's- wait, is Vexen just seducing her? Well, Marluxia can't possibly know that at this point. Poor baby.

Yup, I knew it. He was just looking for a meal and the girl did the trick. Again reminding me of Interview. Wow. This is canon rape at its finest.

This is one fucked-up relationship. Vexen loves Marluxia, but Marluxia seems to think that Vexen would have taken any random person off the street; Marluxia loves Vexen, but Vexen doesn't see it. Very nicely portrayed.

I love how Marluxia goes from a Catholic to a polytheist/pagan. Awesome.

Oh gods, he cut out his vocal cords? That was unnecessary. All couples fight. Why couldn't he have just said, "Vexen, I love you, and that will never change"? Oh, never mind. He just injured them a little.

Aw, Marluxia pouting. That's adorable.

Wow. He's REALLY changed in the past couple of chapters. I'm not sure which version of him I like more. They're both so cute.

ANOTHER line rip? _ Though wolves ARE prettyful.

Wing-having Vexen! Awesome!
sodawitch chapter 1 . 1/23/2010
rofl thats going to get violently loud D cleverly hillarious P
EikoChitose chapter 1 . 12/6/2009
This never ceases to make me smile. I loves it.
WithoutWings-ToTakeMeHome chapter 1 . 11/22/2009

So I take it you like the new 'goof' weapons?

I think the last few lines of this have been scarred into my mind for eternity.
1557757 chapter 1 . 10/31/2009

I think I'll link to this in my next author's notes.

Sheath Shace Lia chapter 1 . 8/31/2009
... Oh my... Hang on a moment, recovering from having my brain blown out.

I can't think of anything to say, other than I'm crying from trying to suppress my laughter.
Kabbage Kat chapter 1 . 8/24/2009
I don't even know what to say, really XD

This was... top notch.
Himafu chapter 1 . 8/23/2009
Haha! Oh my, I laughed and giggled as I read this. P: The euphemisms just cracked me up! This is totally made of epic win. XD God, I keep thinking of how much of a pervert I am now.. I will never look at a ladle and a pot lid the same way ever again.. Cooking from now on will be.. quite interesting.. XD
Nitlon chapter 1 . 7/28/2009


I - ...well then.
Xeconli chapter 1 . 7/22/2009
I will forever laugh when I see ladles and/or pot lids. You know you have a dirty mind when something like this reminds you of sex.
LarcSakurai chapter 1 . 7/2/2009
Oh my. Those kitchen tools are getting some very good care there. When I saw what the gagw eapons were I was just like... wtf is going on with this game? This fic will ensure I cannot play it without breaking a smile.
Taiha chapter 1 . 6/19/2009
I love you.
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