Reviews for Three Worlds
yuutojaden chapter 8 . 1/20/2018
please continue
CrazedMiyakoLovi chapter 8 . 7/19/2015
I love this story! :)
Great story but could there be a little romance for Miyako, she's my favorite character and I'm a die hard Kenyako fan but Miyako and Kouji is good too.
coolchick87 chapter 8 . 6/13/2015
I love your story please update it real soon. Thanks
Apollomon x Stingmon chapter 8 . 2/15/2015
i like how you did this chapter here. it show how close and understanding they are due to being near darkness and death of a love one
mysticmoon1331 chapter 8 . 6/29/2012
great story! question though, ai and makoto, are they the ai and makoto from season 3? just wondering...
Twinfactor chapter 8 . 3/27/2012

but why haven't you updated such a great story? i love it amd want to find out what happens next. Is the brouther Lucemon I wanna know. Sorry if I sond Annoying I just love the story
Flightfoot chapter 8 . 11/6/2011
So, is Impmon going to make an appearance? He is and Ai and Mako's digimon, after all.
Flightfoot chapter 4 . 11/6/2011
The ending bit with Miyako noting how both teams have goggle boys reminds me of that scene in 04 where Zoe imagines what would happen if there were two Takuyas. The results were not pretty.
TheKeyToDestiny chapter 8 . 7/19/2011
Love it!
Lightakira chapter 8 . 4/19/2011
Wow supa good i want to know wat happens so please update
cherrrysakura chapter 8 . 3/5/2011
This is pretty good. I really like the kouichi and Ken friendship.
KaiFudo16 chapter 8 . 12/1/2010
Oh I love these small litttle Ken Kouichi moments there so wonderfull I can see the cupple, Keep writing plese
Hana 'natsu' Mitsuzaka chapter 8 . 9/1/2010
Uwaw! Full chapter is about ken-kouichi!

well, i really jealous with u, kouichi! ,

ok! akhirnya chapter ini muncul juga. yeppei~fokus pada pendekatan kou-ken!

bener2 deh mereka berdua. tipikal maniak buku semua. dan lagi emang karakter mereka agak mirip.

hint pada bagian akhir bkn penasaran, nih. pasti ada hubungannya kan dengan kasus ini?


DigiBleach chapter 8 . 8/26/2010
Wow I'm lazy. I don't even want to sign in. Question 1: Is this the same Ai and Makoto from Tamers?, Question 2: Lucemon is in Ken? (don't answer if you don't want to) My reaction: *screams and runs in circle* It's the End of the World!, question 3: Who didn't tell Ken this! (again don't have to anser) Otherwise I can't wait til next! See ya!
ShadowFox94 chapter 8 . 8/23/2010
Great chapter again. Are Ai and Makato the twins from tamers?(yeah Impmon!) Hmm who could the villains from the 02's digiworld be, the 'strong ones'? Even if it is Vamdemon(he never seems to die), it would be more than just him, strong 'ones'. Lucemon's vessel is probably Mako, but if he was taken before the warriors ever went to the digiworld...

I like how much faith Cherubimon has in Kouichi. It proves that he can be strong when he needs to be, he's quiet not weak.

The conversation between Kouichi and Ken was great. It was interesting to see how they would react to someone who went through similar things.

Can't wait for an update. This crossover is awesome! :)
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