Reviews for Stolen My World
Kasey22 chapter 1 . 1/24/2010
Awesome fic - really tragic and beautiful. Well done.
eyeson chapter 1 . 7/8/2009
Why would they go all crazy foreshadowing the preggers thing if they weren't going to follow through? Kind of makes the writers look bad, starting with Juliet's lame excuse about what happened to Ben in the infirmary up through all the changes of heart both Kate and Juliet had about the bomb and stopping/helping Jack. It probably happened the same night for both of them, just before 316 arrived. You're right, they could have been friends. Maybe the writers changed their minds; maybe they can change them back.

Good story, which would only be improved by a happier ending than what we saw at the end of S5.
S chapter 1 . 6/21/2009
I simply adored this look into Juliet's thoughts and feelings during that all-too brief scene with Rose and Bernard.

I had tears in my eyes during the whole thing - you did an excellent job capturing what could have been (should have been) going through her head.

Those last 2 lines were heart-breaking - as was the part about James not realizing she was lagging behind.

thanks for sharing - and can't wait to read more from you :)
Lexxa91 chapter 1 . 6/20/2009
great story,it made me cry)) And yeah,i dont think they will let Juliet hasve a baby but oh how I want this for her!

thanks for this story)
im so lost chapter 1 . 6/20/2009
That was sad and great at the same time.

Hope-W chapter 1 . 6/19/2009
GREAY! pretty nice story
Turiassu chapter 1 . 6/19/2009
Great story :)

I like how you describe Juliet's thoughts, and I love how you show what she wishes for herself and James. I do think she deserves that fairy tale ending... Juliet really is selfless, good person. I want to believe that she'll get what she wants in the next season... Though it probably won't happen :/

Thanks for posting it :)
Avery Blaire chapter 1 . 6/19/2009
Intriging, write more!
teh-Sara chapter 1 . 6/19/2009
This was great! You really have Juliet spot-on! I hope they don't continue/start the baby thing on the series, because, as you said, it just wouldn't work. Several people have noticed that Juliet was holding her stomach a lot, and I find it very believable all that you've written here. The last two lines made the whole story. :) I can't wait to see more from you.
Synner1229 chapter 1 . 6/19/2009
This is so dead on! I wondered too if they would continue with Juliet's pregnancy or not. Great stuff.