Reviews for Welcome to Muliphein, Captain Sparrow
Wiggly of Discord chapter 30 . 2/24/2018
Cerberus had three heads. Not two. Just so you know
Celestia's Paladin chapter 13 . 1/10/2016
Three great mysteries then. Every world having a fox, gin and tonic, and Swedish meatballs
Polymer1 chapter 30 . 5/8/2013
Welsh words are always good when stuck I'm stuck on names, and they always sound cool.
reassuring to know i am not the only one to use this trick.
Awesome story by the way, expertly written, you really should you know write a novel or something, I would buy it!
Very glad that Jim and Silver met up again, also 'strong in battle' very nice touch.
Count Kulalu chapter 11 . 8/30/2012
mrspencil chapter 30 . 1/12/2012
ch.25: I am impressed by the detailed and logical description of the battle. Quite chilling and calculated in a way, with no quarter given. Amelia in her element; Delbert, perhaps, learning something about his wife. Just one or two (!) left to defeat:-)

ch.26: Master Xue, a picture of self-preserving indecision:-) And a twist I did not expect. The image of the Morsa and the Smollete rising to deliver killer blows is a powerful one. Felt like cheering:-)

ch.27: Interesting; I read Delbert as being a man of peace and books, yet he has been a prime mover in a devastating plan. And the politician and the soldier are acting a bit like rats on a sinking ship. Our heroes are still in a bit of trouble though; Silver comes across very well, and the comment re Jack noticing Fidda looked scared was a nice touch...humanising.

Ch.28: Wonderful work, with pirate tactics, and hand to cyborg hand fighting and Fidda with her blood up and a defiant Amelia facing whatever could be thrown at her:-) Then a last minute rescue in true cavalry/Han Solo style. Bit concerned re Braadt though...

ch. 29: And all is well; some interesting interactions here. Jim and Annamarie? Fidda and Sparrow? And definite echoes of treasure island in reunion of Jim and Silver. Great stuff:-)

ch. 30: Really sorry to see this end:-( I love the return to the Benbow, and the cosy homecoming. The glossary is fascinating, the use of Welsh is a good choice for otherworldly sounding names. Thank you very much for keeping me happily entertained when I needed it:-) Now can I read the story you are currently posting?
mrspencil chapter 24 . 1/11/2012
Ch 21: I did like Jack' s sudden relationship with the floor ( Hell hath no fury...) Delbert is a very engaging character, and I can see the logic of the plan to send the comet off its lethal course. I am enjoying the portrayal of Annamarie, too.

ch 22: now I definitely feel sorry for the guard; the repetition of his fate while on duty worked well. I am quite sad to see the party separated for a while, but it is in a good cause. The longevity of the spacer seemed unlikely...him not having a name did not strike me as a

a good start ( He wasn't in a red shirt, bu his destiny was clear!)

ch, 23: And trouble again after things were so peaceful. I like the piratical references among weapons and ship's engineering. Neat cliff hanger, too. Clearly I must read on...

ch 24: and loyalty wins out. I like Delbert even more-he seems to ground Amelia. And of course, the 2 pirates are staying:-)
mrspencil chapter 20 . 1/9/2012
ch 17

I really felt for Amelia in this chapter; stiff upper lipped,yet desparate to know of her husband's fate. Pouring two glasses before finding out was a more eloquent way of describing how she was steeling herself for bad news than many more florrid descriptions. Well done:-)

ch 18

"Damn him for this night but bless him for it too." Great line-Amelia, like many others, finding Jack to be a curse and a comes across fully IC here, too: full of ulterior motives and quick answers. And Amelia; momentarily losing the stiff upper lip.

ch 19

I actually felt quite sorry for the guard, suffering double shifts and boring work, and even being denied one of the simple pleasures of life:-) Amelia and Delbert's reunion was touching and lightened by Jack's incredulity at the pairing of feline and canine:-)

I am a little alarmed at the final paragraph, though!

ch 20

Oh, a neat turnaround of fortune and perception! There I was; trying to unpick Jack's change of team, after you had planted the notion of his desire for a ship, earlier; only to be highly relieved that he was in possession of a cunning plan and more than a modicum of loyalty. Seemed right that he should plot with Silver and Fidda:-) Amelia's concern for Annamarie was quite touching, and in character. I liked the "still small voice of calm" from Delbert, too. Interesting how quickly Amelia was able to believe Jack had betrayed her, he seems to have that effect on people.
mrspencil chapter 16 . 1/8/2012
Two thoughtful chapters, interesting to have Jack Sparrow expressing doubts re loyalties, and totally in character for him to be considering stealing a ship:-) Also enjoyable to have Annamarie and Amelia interracting.(btw, Delbert is such a down to earth name for her partner; it does not jar; but seems to be from a different sort of origin) And a short break to admire a passing comet; she hasn't lost her wonder of her world:-) Nice work, glad I got back to continuing to read this:-)
mrspencil chapter 14 . 1/6/2012
And with one sentence, I am now looking at how John Silver plays the Barbossa role:-) I liked the weapon readiness of the crew and Jack's discomfort in not being ahead of the game, for once.

Mrs P:-)
mrspencil chapter 13 . 1/6/2012
OK...John Silver of this set of worlds is recognisable from the book; with the same doublesided relationship with Jim Hawkins( might be put into a position of contemplating killing him, but a regard and a connection with the lad nonethe less.) and I now have a clear idea of Amelia's relationship with the old rogue from this single exchange; that worked I also detect a nod to Douglas Adams in the last paragraph or so ?
mrspencil chapter 12 . 1/4/2012
An engaging introduction to Fidda; Amelia'sencounter in the bar was well done, with so many ready to use their weapons if the situation demanded. The solution to reducing how compromised her men were by piratical views on murder and plunder was also well handled and thoughtful. Again, nicely done:-)
mrspencil chapter 9 . 1/3/2012
You have expanded on your knowledge of terrestrial warfare, to add a nice touch of realism to the otherworldly battles. You have quite a brutal universe here which you are filling with believable characters and scenes; I will continue...

Mrs P:-)
mrspencil chapter 7 . 1/3/2012
I like Jack's view of strange sounds, beings and places; trying to match noises to those he was familiar with. And taverns seem to be of a type the worlds over! Nicely done

Mrs P:-)
Ale chapter 30 . 12/21/2011
I just finished to read this. absolutely fantastic. you took my breath in every single chapter, even if in a beginning i thought this was possibly the most weird fanfiction i've ever read. I loved how you made story with two very different captains and how Amelia did everything just to have her husband back.

i'm gonna start to read the 3th part one. i really can't stop. i love how you write.
mrspencil chapter 6 . 9/29/2011
This one is an enjoyable read too. It is satisfying to see Anamaria given a more prominent part to play and I like her implacable mother. The parallels between earth ly and otherworldly pirates are interesting, as is the transformation of capt. Amelia into pirate( I approve of the make do and mend aspect of her garb, having reasonable experience of turning one costume into another, myself. )

Thank you

Mrs P:-)
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