Reviews for C'est la Vie
Kirkleton chapter 1 . 3/6/2019
Oh man. I've been reading this fic for almost 10 years now, I hope you know it's an all time favourite of mine, even though I'm not as big of a fan of KHR as I used to be at 15 lol, I still love it, and Squalo is my eternal favourite (I even named my death knight in WoW after him in wrath who I still main on horde, blood elf with long silver hair to match hehe). This fic always makes me laugh, thank you again for writing it, though I doubt it'll ever be completed after this long wait, just wanted you to know it's still loved!
Kittykatredo chapter 19 . 4/20/2017
This fic is one of the most hilarious I've ever read, in that odd way one can't help but be fond of. XD Anyways, I just adore Filai and her blunt sentences and evil true thought-revealing auras. Of course, I am highly curious about her and Sasha's family power, like what are it's strengths and weaknesses? What are the full details about it, and why is it so weak to Dying Will Flames? I'm definitely looking forward to finding out more about it later on.

And her relationship with Squalo, even without the future romance in mind, is just so unique and dysfunctional that it's one of a kind, with all the death threats and insults they have towards each other. Best of luck to those two in the future, or rather Squalo, he's gonna need it. XD

But I have to say that my favorite part about Filai is her loyalty to Xanxus and the Varia. Sure, they're complete assholes, and highly violent, murderous criminal ones at that, but they are HER assholes, and ain't no way in hell is she betraying them. She may not be physically strong like those monsters, but she does have her intelligence and sadism to use, so that makes Filai almost as terrifying as the rest of the Varia.
Guest chapter 19 . 1/18/2017

I love this so much; awkward Squalo is so fuckin adorable and Filai is radder than a fucking radish. I wish there was more, but I suppose I'll just have to make do with the tiny sample of awesomesauce you have given me the barest taste of.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/21/2016
Lol Squalo, obvious much? Well not to Filai (if I ever review again I'm calling her Fi. I can't spell that)

I hate doing the laundry too! I volunteer to do other chores so my mom doesn't make me, but I still find myself doing it every few weeks or so. Gah, I hate it!
Wynter Spite chapter 19 . 9/15/2015
This is brilliant. I love the humor, and I really like Filai. And also Sasha, he's pretty cool too. This is quite fantastic, and I look forward to any future chapters. :)
Crystal Blue Butterfly chapter 1 . 8/24/2015
Wow, great first chapter.
You rock.
Astraea J. Rahagi chapter 19 . 5/8/2015
Finally I find this story. In the past, I've read this story and immediately fell in love with the story. However, unfortunately, at that time I have not had an account in FFN so can not directly provide review and favorite this story. I hope you can come back to update this story. I would like to see the development of a relationship Filai and Squalo!
notthisstuffagain chapter 4 . 4/26/2015
I find this uncomfortably hilarious.
UntiedHeartbeat chapter 19 . 4/9/2015
So, will she meet future Squalo?
jellysama chapter 19 . 12/23/2014
Is there any chance that you'd update again?
Oh please, Oh please, Oh please, Oh please, Oh please, Oh please, Oh please UPDATE AGAIN (read: desperate)...!

The fic is really, really, reeeaaally awesome! I love the fact that Filai and Squalo's - I don't really know what to call it- "romantic relationship"(?) is improving.
Oh, and I'm also lovin Filai's brother. He's actually a great brother, kinda (sadistic tendencies aside).

Again, Oh please, Oh please, Oh please, UPDATE. Me Want More! T.T

From your new fan and avid reader, Jellysama
jellysama chapter 17 . 12/23/2014
She finds out she was in Vendicare for 10 freakin years and all she cares about is her biology degree.
She's just too awesome! XD
Enigma of Anime chapter 19 . 11/23/2014
Kufufuf- oh wait, wrong laugh. Ushishishishi! Sorry about that. I was wrong about that. Mukuro sucks like pickles. He made my favorite character in this character stuck in a pickle bar. Though sharkie here should go and already make mini-pokerfaced-sharks *smirks*
Hainako chapter 1 . 6/13/2014
omg what did i just read?
MagicalAssassinDogDemon chapter 13 . 6/10/2014
i giggled like an effing maniac when they began betting on filai and squa-kun. i was like OMFG MUKURO IS ACTUALLY IN THE SAME ROOM WITH THEM AND NOT KILLING THEM. AND FREAKING 'TALKING'! I SEE DEVELOPMENTS
sayume214 chapter 19 . 3/15/2014
Primavera means spring, I know...but it sounds like a female name, like big time.
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