Reviews for A Day and A Night
minnie811 chapter 5 . 2/28
Fish come with chips (thick fries) and what you call chips are crisps. Only American and recent immigrants use the US vernacular. We have fire brigades and police units, neither are volunteers else their actions aren't insured. Patrols are army, security or criminal. And the UK still uses miles for long distances and speed measurement. It's a mishmash of imperial and metric for lengths and weights here, old school and posh tend to use imperial. Km are restricted to the continent, dunno about Ireland.
OK Dorchester is plausible if you've got an English vamp touring Eastern Europe in 17th century. Loving the plot. You're going to have the place swarming with reporters in hours if there's been an explosion somewhere that remote. Heck Jeannie's gran had a reporter chapping her door for her yarn-bombing the police station. Unless you have magical muggle repellents in play or a taboo on veelan vamps maybe? Really fun this plot.
minnie811 chapter 1 . 2/28
So, before I look at anything else, you're definitely American or at least a Londoner that never goes North. Dorchester is a very old very English name (Roman invasion old), not one that would submit to its family being called a clan. On the West Coast you'll get Mc's and Mac's (Mc's are Irish ancestry) Lamont/d has a similar umm status as Dorchester but it is a Scottish name that does have clan status. Though given the establishment of the township in the 1600s I'm hoping that this is a plot point...

We don't have "motels" in the UK unless it's a brand name, we call them roadside hotels or "Services" and they are pretty much never infested with anything that might chew on humans. UK legislation is such that the lowest of low grade accommodation might have a broken bed and no door lock but the sheets have been boiled to within an inch of their lives and the the floor stinks of bleach.. You might get silverfish or woodlice if there's a problem with the plumbing so the wood somewhere is rotting. What we did get is dodgy wiring so that lamps hum, air in the pipes that bang and heating only (as in no air con, it's kind of rare that we need it even as far North as Manchester). The heating usually has four settings off, cold, toasty and sauna and the windows might open a crack or be outright welded shut. We also get the whole twin beds masquerading as a double so you fall into the crack if they're together but the catch at the top is jammed so you can't separate them. If you want a really unpleasant night then heating on, window cracked, cue midge (Scottish mosquitoes) swarm. Midges are tiny and in an area like you're suggesting, come Summer they fly up in their millions out of the puddles, and bogs, ponds and lochs and descend on anything living. They don't kill but you'll look like a raspberry if they get you in real numbers, that said the odd one may well fly up your leg mid December and leave you with a trail of tiny bites a few inches apart that itch like the blazes. We do get ticks and sandflies too.

Apart from that I'm loving the criminal investigation idea. I'm hoping for rogue and unexpected sheep or deer, ideally one that charges the car after H has served into a granite rock that's taken out a tyre. We have tiny single track roads with passing places in places like this that rise and fall and twist and turn like a coaster and that combined with the inevitable Mitsubishi Warrior driven at speed by the local poacher who's coming back from the pub. Whee they make for fun/hair raising experiences.
Let's see what you do. Onwards!
H.H. Knight chapter 40 . 2/1
I really liked this story. Thank you for taking the time to write it!
KatCEstrada chapter 8 . 1/12
I'm really enjoying your story. I understood what you meant by the cuts were shallow yet deep. Some people are just don't get that reading should be for fun and not to revise and edit.

I like where the story is going. Thanks for sharing!
Mansha chapter 8 . 12/23/2019
I've grown addicted to this story. Though my mind tells me that I will not be able to sleep at nights but my heart and eyes rush to each successive chapter. I hope u dont let the rider of the comments ever stop u
shapphire22 chapter 12 . 6/19/2019
Whoah~ This kind of adventure is awesome! Running away and running some more. Are they attracted to Hermione's blood? Of course they're XD
Sometimes I forget this is about Veela/Vampire hybrid
shapphire22 chapter 10 . 6/19/2019
I feel Agatha Christie's aura here...
shapphire22 chapter 6 . 6/18/2019
This kissing and not kissing is a madness! Just kiss already! (’3)(ε)
shapphire22 chapter 5 . 6/18/2019
Girls want to be Draco's partner in this case for sure XD
shapphire22 chapter 4 . 6/18/2019
I thought that guy was middle aged man so in my imagination he has this gruff voice ()
So many royalties here~ If Draco were Veela then this would be a battle of allure between Vampire/Veela VS Veela?
shapphire22 chapter 3 . 6/18/2019
Imperio w/ a touch?
shapphire22 chapter 2 . 6/18/2019
This chapter is so funny~ ()
shapphire22 chapter 1 . 6/18/2019
Idk why Draco was included in this case too~ Except that I know this is Dramione story so Draco must work in this case. I believe the suspect is human w/ tools and magic
cracked-ceilings chapter 40 . 6/17/2019
Ohh, I LOVE this story. Well done! And nice ending;)
PaleandBroodingsGirl chapter 40 . 1/10/2019
wow! great story! i like a good murder mystery, and that combined with dramione makes for one good read!
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