Reviews for Revenant
Spartan Altego chapter 7 . 6/17/2019
Toudoh surprises the characters (but probably not the readers) by choosing what is right for Japan over the misconception that he is merely a nationalist. Nunnally of course turned out to be alive. And Marianne was...very easily disposed of, in the end. It’s rather anti-climatic - nothing of consequence happened, so as far as an exploration of post-R2 this may as well not exist.

C.C.’s justifications of Lelouch’s conservation of information fall flat and really don’t work even from an out of story perspective. Much like the ridiculousness of his video message, it relies on everything being in place to have the information and resources relayed when he needs it to be, somehow accounting for the variables of millions of people years after his death. Marianne’s counter that he was merely playing around reads as far more true than Lelouch just being “that good.”

Suzaku facing himself was unsatisfying. There was no dialogue wherein he could confront his past flaws and broken ideology and come away triumphant, no internal revelations. He simply wins the fight because he wins the fight. Similarly, the Kallen and C.C. fight with Marianne doesn’t really offer anything new and really just shafts Kallen to being defeated and confused (as she is largely for the whole story) until something unexpected happens.

The primary issue with this story is that it becomes very clear when the narration is being vague in order to artificially disguise a twist: see Gino, Nunnally, Marianne, etc. It’s not tricking the reader into overlooking information, it’s just cutting the camera away abruptly and thus tipping off that there’s something to pay attention to.
Spartan Altego chapter 6 . 6/17/2019
As expected, the culprit was Marianne. The problem here is that Lelouch is quite explicit about what he’s doing when he “Geasses” the gods. He’s using his link to them to make a request, not compelling obedience. Marianne could not use Geass, a power that comes from the World of C, to then take over that world.
Spartan Altego chapter 5 . 6/16/2019
Gino’s survival was a pleasant event, but not a particularly well set-up one. Ideally, I would’ve been able to pick up on (during or in hindsight) clues to hint at his survival before this confirmation and before the scene of his faux-demise. This is more of a surprise only because the audience was not given any information to go on, other than the vagueness of last chapter’s “death.”

C.C. is going beyond being cold into being an asshole with her remarks toward Kallen having the audacity to care that Nunnally is (for the moment) dead. It’s a little uncharacteristic of her, particularly if she knows the Empress is alive. Sayoko taking down the Sutherland was suitably impressive and within her amazing skills, but not the resources she had available. I don’t buy a kunai alone jamming up tank-treads in the slightest. A cleverer solution would’ve worked more in the scene’s favor.

It’s nice to see the various supporting cast members not being forgotten about and continuing to contribute to the story. That’s definitely a strong point of this story so far - everyone has a place, somewhere, except perhaps for the Camelot group who are mostly just comedic caricatures so far.
Spartan Altego chapter 4 . 6/16/2019
Damn, C.C. dunking on Lelouch even after he’s dead was a laugh I sorely needed. He would be utterly nettled and that’s entertaining.

Alas, poor Gino, we...only sort of knew thee. Shame that R2 didn’t develop the Knights of the Round overmuch, but he was the charming one of the bunch. Not buying Nunnally’s demise, though, given C.C.’s complete lack of surprise or reaction (on Lelouch’s behalf if nothing else). It’s fitting that she’d be busy living it up and enjoying the world again after the series, though if Lelouch were alive I would expect him somewhere cold and isolated. Living luxuriously wouldn’t be his style for a self-imposed exile.

The woman (or “Thing” judging by Jeremiah’s encounter) with Geass is being hinted as an original series figure. Very likely Marianne, given the references to the World of C confrontation and Jeremiah’s shock upon seeing their face. This outcome would be disappointing, however, as she was very clearly destroyed by the collective unconscious as punishment for her crimes, same as Charles. So perhaps it is a different person.
Spartan Altego chapter 3 . 6/16/2019
The decision to split the chapters must’ve been a wise one, because I do feel the pacing and length thus far have been just within the lines of right. Mystery and tension are being parceled out in satisfying doses, though the true highlight of the story so far is Suzaku becoming Zero - not Lelouch’s Zero, but his own. It’s a satisfying character moment that feels right.

Lelouch once again predicting the responses of people years in the future is hilarious and ridiculous, but this is Code Geass - hilarious and ridiculousness has precedent. At least it didn’t turn out he was actually alive.
Spartan Altego chapter 1 . 6/16/2019
The non-Japanese characters using honorifics is unnecessary, but otherwise this is a good start.
Guest chapter 8 . 7/11/2018
Lol lelouch is an ass
Minute Rice chapter 8 . 5/28/2015
This was certainly an interesting read. It's not the most gripping story I've ever read, but it was nice to actually find something that was interesting enough to read. The mystery of it all was very well constructed, and the "big reveal" felt satisfying and made sense. I liked seeing the evolution of these characters' personalities, though I feel that the characterization wasn't as strong as it could have been. Still, it gave me what I wanted when I was browsing the Code Geass category: which was a good post R2 story. And this story was written in a way that made it fit very well as post R2 material. Good job.
Aynessa chapter 8 . 3/18/2015
This was sheer brilliance. It has officially become my head-canon. Wow. Just...just brilliant. This is what R3 SHOULD have been, not the ridiculous, canon-mocking R1.5 Sunrise is turning it into.

Your CG stories are all flawless. Love this!
Aynessa chapter 1 . 2/14/2015
WOW! I am thoroughly impressed. I was starting to lose hope that I would find anymore well-written CG fics with accurate character portrayals and an intriguing plotline. So happy to have found this gem!

My only complaint is the over-usage of Japanese honorifics, even by people who are not Japanese. Especially Nunnally and Gino. Ohgi and Kallen are understandable, but it doesn't make sense for Britannians to utilize that form of speech.
LEGIONOFSILENCE chapter 4 . 6/21/2014
Whyyyyyyyyy? Why you kill Gino!
sublimesublime chapter 5 . 12/9/2013
Ok this. You are a genius. I've been reading until now and I have to take a break but geez! I feel like I'm reading straight off the script of R3. I'm looking forward to the rest, keep up the good work
Doctorjaws chapter 8 . 11/4/2013
I got a lot of "Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy" vibes off this thing. Especially at the end fight with Suzaku fighting a clone and the two women fighting the supernatural main villain. I was half-expecting Hideyoshi to get stabbed by Todou and die saying "But it was so artistically done."
Still this was an excellant what would happen next fic; you found a good way to use most of the ensemble cast (though I do wish we could have seen more of Todou) and make them all still engaging. I like that you managed to create tense action sequences without having to use Knightmares. And finally general theme of reconciliation in this story was conveyed without it becomeing to overly cloying or overly sentimental so kudos.
Doctorjaws chapter 6 . 11/1/2013
"Which one of us was really insane, I wonder?" she asked rhetorically.

You have to admit she has a bit of a point there. Love the plot twsit though. This is awesome.
ichiruzuka chapter 8 . 7/25/2013
This is a very great job for telling something after the Requiem. I've read a few, and I think yours is the best. You've managed to write a grand closure. I enjoyed every word you served me, and every cameo from other anime as well (I really laughed when reading Touma saying 'how unlucky'). This is something I really want, not just Lelouch as immortal stories which littered the fandom; A story that gives a closure.

The only thing I regret is just why it took me so long to find this story.
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