Reviews for The Richest Man in Town
Moonshadow chapter 1 . 1/4/2002
Awww, I'm just now getting to this after vacation. This is a wonderful reversal of roles for Max and Logan. Usually it's Max who gets the credit for saving kids, befriending the needy, and all that, but this made me realize how generous Logan has been. It's so lovely to think of everyone recognizing the work he did behind the scenes, often without credit or acknowledgement. Seems like Max got the glory because she was the brawn, but now Logan gets the credit not only for his brains but his heart. We're so conditioned to think of Logan as closed and intellectual, but he

s been loving all along. Thanks! Glad you joined the IAWL party!
limona chapter 1 . 1/4/2002
Aw. That's just sweet, warm, fuzzy, and full of good Christmas cheer. Your affection for Logan as a character shines through this story. Reading this was like reading the middle of a charming story- and that was a good thing. I didn't need to read the beginning or the end, to enjoy it. Happy New Year!
Natters chapter 1 . 12/30/2001
Ahh everybody loves Logan. And oh boy do I understand that POV! M/L 4eva!
LeLu chapter 1 . 12/29/2001
Once again you have provided a wonderful ending to a Christmas story. I can see Logan standing and watching the people as they pour in the door. Please write more. I am really in need of a dose of the Cale Diaries.
Star24 chapter 1 . 12/29/2001
I love it ! Thanks so much for sharing that with us.
Phoebsfan chapter 1 . 12/28/2001
Oh thanks for the wonderful story.
SusanK chapter 1 . 12/28/2001
Welcome back! I love all your DA fiction to date, and the unique angle in which you see characters and events. I am a fan (no pun intended) of your Cale Diaries, the wedding stories, and everything else you shared with us. This story, besides being delightfully whimsical, brings welcome relief from the dreary turn of events in S2, focusing only on Manticore rejects, "super-Whites," and virus-angst. Eyes Only lives, and for once gets some recognition! Thanks.
Kyre chapter 1 . 12/28/2001
This fic made me all giddy. :) I can just feel Logan's exhiliration and amazement. Makes me imagine what would have come before this chapter in the story, had you written the rest. I like.
catherder chapter 1 . 12/28/2001
Well, I think you trumped me! Thanks for reminding us how many lives Logan, as Eyes Only, has affected. A perfect holiday story.
LifeFiction chapter 1 . 12/28/2001
aww that was so sweet...:)
Carolyn chapter 1 . 12/28/2001
I've missed you! You are unquestionably one of the best writers out there. I ALWAYS love your work. Is this to be continued? I'd love to see more. In any case, I've admired your work for a long time. I hope you don't stay hidden for too long! You are definitely on my list of favorites!