Reviews for Please
Inkfire chapter 1 . 12/20/2009
I loved this so much
rockhorsegeek chapter 1 . 7/8/2009
Fantastic story, although it's so sad... :'(
ilex-ferox chapter 1 . 7/6/2009
How did I miss this? A beautiful one shot: I loved the changing perspectives of time and person, and the ambiguity of the relationship. I love the way you can imbue a, seemingly ordinary, line with so much meaning;

'The only problem was, she never really considered it a permanent arrangement,' and 'He hopes that she is impressed. But she knows him well enough to realize that he’s just showing off,' in particular, stand out, while the last line was heartbreaking.

Just one niggle - it's malevolent, not mavolent.
Lli chapter 1 . 7/1/2009
So much Iron and Wine love.

I actually hadn't heard this song before, so thanks for that, it's got me all teary-eyed.

That said, so much Opal Roseblossom love!

This was beautiful, eloquent and poignant. Not at all badfic.

Thank you.
Liris chapter 1 . 7/1/2009
This is really good, happy and sad at the same time. Love it.


nekodreamstealer chapter 1 . 7/1/2009
That was truly on of the most spectacular pieces of fanfiction i have ever read. WONDERFUL job. fav

onefowlswan chapter 1 . 6/30/2009
YOU MADE ME CRY! Literaly... that was rely good though! I hope that dosen't acctualy happen, I'd be distraught!
IDreamInWords chapter 1 . 6/30/2009
Marvellously written! I see that they are not in any chronological order, but that lends a chaotic feel to the story, and adds to its beauty! Very good job!
Sad Little Smile chapter 1 . 6/30/2009
Aww...this is precious! Good to see you're still going on writing; I've missed reading your fics. *glomps*

I really like's not the A/H ending everyone wants/uses(no offense, of course), and it's awesome because of it.

Sorry I can't say more, but I really enjoyed reading this and can't wait to see more!

Name On The Spine chapter 1 . 6/30/2009
Definately a friendship fic. Definately. It rocked, too ). I really like it. I especially liked the way it sort-of jumped around, but in a melody. Especially the last three. It was like a fast-foreward button Beginning-Good Byes Forever. You're a great writer!