Reviews for Disconnecting the dots
nayru9572 chapter 3 . 1/20/2016
Personally I always pronounced it like it's a French word. Some of their words are spelled similiarly, so I just went with that.
I really like this story!
Cascore chapter 3 . 7/26/2009
All these chapters are just plain awesome so far, and I've wondered about all the same things as I played through the game myself. I almost never played card games at all pretty much exactly for the reasons that Vivi illustrated, and when I saw the name "Oeilvert", I couldn't help but give a mental "wth?" and wonder how in the world it was pronounced. Though I've always said it like Zidane, I like Vivi's suggestion the best. Mostly because it's just easy to say.

Great job parodying the game, it's very entertaining. I'll be looking forward to future dots to be disconnected.
Nope I'm out chapter 3 . 7/25/2009
I always pronounced it like Zidane did... I guess there is a debate about the subject, though. Quina's line is just so... like him/her. And of course Eiko thinks Zidane did something. And Steiner. *sighs* Anyway, thanks for updating! Here, you get a Zidane plushie! *pulls one out of her backpack* Don't worry, I have about 5 more.
Nope I'm out chapter 2 . 7/23/2009
These do make sense, and they make you laugh! Good job! I was expecting something really short, but no, you made this an actual story. Can't wait for more! And why does this not have reviews? *angry face*