Reviews for Nothing you can do
waterpeach4 chapter 12 . 7/17/2010
Oh wow! You stop when it's just about to get devious. I really do hope you continue writing this one day. D: It's just so good!
Russian Artist chapter 6 . 6/9/2010
OMG I NEARLY DIED! LOL. The part with the ghoul was great! I can definately see th\at happening! 10/10!
Kitty chapter 12 . 5/15/2010
oh my... *fans herself* This NEEDS to be updated... for the sake of Jericho sexings... mmmmm yum
toucan chapter 12 . 5/6/2010
OI! update dammit!
boneslover13 chapter 12 . 12/26/2009
ok so you posted this like three months ago and havent done anything since so im here to tell you to get off your ass and write some more!
human circuitry chapter 12 . 12/1/2009
this is actually the first vaultie/jericho i've been interested enough in to continue reading. i really like the way you've portrayed jericho here, trying to be all hard and bad ass all the time... but he's got a soft spot. the introduction of charon into the story does throw a very interesting wrench into their relationship, as well. seriously, i'm really excited for the next chapter... seriously! 3
annalessthanthree chapter 12 . 11/26/2009
Bra. Vo.

It's really all I can say. I've been scouring this site for decent Fallout fanfics, and not only did I find a spectacular one, but it features my favorite (albeit unlikely) pairing from the Fallout-verse. For real, I am a sucker for Jericho/LW fanfic.

That said, you write it beautifully. I was so impressed with the story you weaved about Jericho and why he got out of the business. Wonderful lore, and you wrote it wonderfully. For that, I applaud you. And add onto that a jerk Charon? It's a breath of fresh air after reading so many angst-Charon fics. I'm really looking forward to reading some Charon vs. Jericho.

And THAT said, YOU SHOULD UPDATE THIS RIGHT NOW. I was so upset when I saw that it hadn't been updated for five months. Please don't tell me you've discontinued, because that would make me cry. D;

So I look forward to reading more of this; you are definitely on my watch list.

- Anna3
Nemesia chapter 9 . 11/3/2009
Hallo just wanted to say how much I love this story :) I love Jeri hes awesome my first character was an evil cow called Electra and I had him as my follower my favourite bit was when he shot at a bloatfly and 20 cars blew up along the road we were on and i turned my character around and he said 'This place looks dangerous.' roflcake :3 also 'Tree Frog' i really laughed out loud' ;)
Cait chapter 12 . 10/19/2009
Oh . . . . my. That was unexpected, maybe even too soon.

Hmm, you should update soon because I'm sure everyone (ME TOO!) wants to see what Charon will do. He's much more conniving in this fanfic that in others.
Cait chapter 11 . 10/19/2009
Oh, I loved the tension between Charon and Jericho, seems J is tryin to be evil and Charon is laughing. I'm sure there's gotta be some more Charon vs Jericho umm . . . . disputes.
Tesla.Cannon chapter 1 . 8/29/2009
I just have to comment and say that I really enjoy reading your story. I loved how in character Jericho seems to be. I've always wondered about him, and I usually wind up hiring him for laughs cause he's got one hell of a dirty mouth, and you've portrayed that exceptionally :) I really hope to read the next chapter soon, since the tension seems to be rising. Hope it comes out soon! Keep up the fantastic work!
w Blitz chapter 12 . 8/11/2009
Awesome, great, spectacular, did I mention awesome? This has got to be one of the best stories I've read in a LONG time! I absolutely love how you keep the characters personalities consistent, even despite their growing changes in feelings for each other, I really, really, like that!

I can't tell you how much I hate stories that have those badass guys who go completely mush and completely polar opposite when they come to realization of their feelings...I really like how you've kept it consistent!

Well, I'm hopelessly addicted to your story, so...please update soon or I may lose my mind x)
InkiBlinkiPinki chapter 12 . 8/3/2009
I'm really surprised at how many "unlikely" characters I'm starting to get into... Jericho being one of them. I always wanted to hire him in the game too but I was never bad enough :( lol Anyway, your interpretation of him seems spot on... Sarcastic... Rude... etc I also think you did a great job of writing his past as a Raider! It's tradgic enough that he'd give up the "trade" and never want to speak of it again...

And throwing Charon into the story makes for some good drama lol I can see them being like water and oil... Can't wait for the next update to see how things turn out after Jericho & Cassie's little romp-around _ Take care!
Xanophillius Nacindo Dulliante chapter 12 . 7/27/2009
Hahaha sweet smex cause I think the words sex or fuck (yeah probably) would be censored, ahh jeez. would it be weird to say I was waiting for this? or even weirder that I always thought of Charon as a more of a voyeur kind of person, that dirty pervert, don't even try to hide it! I joke, I joke!

Anyways it's nice to see an actual inbetween vaultie, not a complete sugary sweet person who'll make your teeth rot with kindness after the first chapter or a total badass who was somehow granted amazing ninja gun abilities after leaving the vault even though the only gun she/he was ever really familiar with was a BB gun.

With the part about Jericho wanting to assault Three Dog made me smile, when I was playing the game I just sorta stared at the screen and just gave it a 'wtf' look wondering how one itty bitty piece of information was worth almost getting my head blown off. After that I was like "screw dad!" and went exploring which incidentily led me to finding rivet city, woot! for laziness.

oh well enough with my rambling, the faster I finish this thing the faster you'll be ble to get back to writing the next chapter, hopefully ( big puppy eyes ).

please update and let the smex be with you!
VaultWorker chapter 12 . 7/26/2009
0-0 woah. Love it and I'm guessing Charon might accidently shoot Jerri...XD
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