Reviews for Choosing Sides
Guest chapter 2 . 10/28/2017
It's 7 BILLION people not 6 million
Jonathan Thomas Crist chapter 9 . 1/5/2017
More chapters please and thanks
yoda chapter 9 . 2/5/2016
uggg! whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Make love they should not. Love isn't the way of the jedi. Ahsoka is no longer a jedi.
Guest chapter 3 . 2/5/2016
Ok so are you telling me only a teenager finds out about the crashed ship and the military or police don't investigate? I seem this a bit strange there would be scientists if there was an object that crashed there, people would flock to see it. After all the yuu song vong (forgot spelling) weren't that connected to the force, so what makes you think that the Earth humans are?
Guest chapter 9 . 8/15/2013
I love this version make a sequel for this ending it would be awesome
Blak-Ice chapter 9 . 1/6/2013
Not bad. I liked it a lot even though I was skeptical at first, but I'm glad I kept reading.
Arthur chapter 9 . 11/17/2012
That place they are headed for is Earth. I really think this should have been the original ending.
Arthur chapter 9 . 11/17/2012
This should have been the original ending!
cheese chapter 9 . 9/14/2012
i like the final ending
its so much happier
you should make a squeal folowing on from this ending
DarthMii chapter 2 . 2/17/2010
You remember me? Not likely. Great story just as it was when I last read it. I was really sad today and I refound your story. And I fell in love with it again. Thanks for giving me a good read.
Zedax chapter 9 . 12/21/2009
Cool Story
Ashley Nicolle Carreon chapter 9 . 11/13/2009
I loved it! The action, the emotion, most everything about it was great! It was such a great view of everything.

I must say, I was ready to hate the Happy alternate ending, but it turned out (in my opinion) better than the first two. I do have to be honest about a lot of things though.

I didn't like your portrayal of Ashoka. Not neccessarily when she spoke. When she spoke, I could picture her saying it clearly, and it fit her personality well. But her actions didn't. She seemed weaker. But I noticed you didn't start doing that untill chapter 6 or 7, so good job on that. But her crying, and being knocked out so easily. Ehh.

That was something else. You had people fall unconscious A LOT, mostly for dumb reasons like being thrown against a wall. Okay it hurts, but it doesn't ALWAYS knock you out.

Lastly, the whole Ashoka/Michael thing. In all actuality, I like pairings with two people I like. I like Ashoka, and I love your OC. But it came out of nowhere. There were more hints at Zexa/Michael than Ashoka/Michael. Looking back, I see where you tried, but I chalked it up to "Friendship". You COULD have worked that relationship a little more.

Michael Henry was a great. I don't know if he's you, or just purely imagination, but he was relateable, and all around believable. There weas character developement and times I really questioned whether he was good or bad. But he turned out fine in the end. :D

I really suggest trying to take this story somewhere. Do something with it. It doesn't belong on , it's too good. With a little editing, a few more comlications and a real slam-dunk of all three endings, it could be a story in the Expanded Universe. You might not be able to use the exact same characters, but it'll be something. All most people need to get into the Expanded Universe (usually) is George Lucas's apathetic, "Whatever." while he counts his money. :)

Take my advice, or not, but this story is great and deserves a LOT of attention.
TortugaTourGuide chapter 9 . 8/24/2009
Awesome story! I have to say that I liked the original ending better though... The development of Michael was excellent, keep up the good work! I look forward to seeing more stories from you in the future.
the22nddoctor chapter 9 . 8/5/2009
Nice story you should make a dark ending where Michael become Darth Sidious apprentice and kills Darth Vader.
DarthMii chapter 9 . 7/25/2009
Oops. Sorry about that last review I didn't realize that there was another alternate ending until I checked my e-mail again. Yeah so I still don't know which one I like better even if the last one is a little mushy(Don't I sound mature?). They are all good but which one do you like better? I'm assuming the first ending you put up but still.
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