Reviews for Air Battle
zeldamaster456 chapter 1 . 3/24/2010
Enraged Jigglypuff XD.

Great job!
manhattan martini chapter 1 . 9/5/2009
So, I really liked it. I loved the Jiglypuff part, it was so random, seriously. :D

I liked the fact that they didn't kiss, actually. I didn't think a kiss would fit here, so yeah. :)

Great job! :D
eveeevee chapter 1 . 9/3/2009
wonderful perspectives and I like how you didn't change the story to fit it :)
Wyborg Fang chapter 1 . 7/10/2009
Well, this was certainly a delight to read. 3 Very nicely done.
digidestined4eva chapter 1 . 7/4/2009
Love the storyline of this oneshot. The world needs more MangaQuestshipping...and PokeSpe! I really enjoyed reading this, it's well written and doesn't seem rushed Your writing is so much better than mine~ Keep up the amazing work and good luck for the future! Have fun!
Aqua059 chapter 1 . 7/4/2009
That...that was really good. You captured Gold and Crystal's personalities really well, and their interaction played out like something that would actually happen in the manga. Not something you see in a lot of shipfics, I'm sad to say.

You write much more skillfully than I do, so I'm not sure how to give you advice. I do like your style a lot - it switches nicely between Gold and Crystal's POVs.

(And to respond to your confusion - yeah, the Tropius is Sapphire's. It's a male named Pilo.)
Chain333 chapter 1 . 7/3/2009
Hey! Very neat chapter! Good work! There are A LOT of times in PokeSpe wherein some things are never really explained. This event is one of them. I like what you did with it, even squeezing in some romance into the otherwise short section of the story. I espcially liked how "in character" everybody was when it was their POV. Gold talked/thought/whatever like Gold when it was his POV, as it was with Crystal. I liked that a lot. You got very into their characters, which made everything much more interesting. Gold's overuse of nicknames, Crystals effiecient actions, they were all there. Keep up the good work! I look forward to what you write next!
RWT chapter 1 . 7/3/2009
For a second I felt guilty, but then I saw through the Light Screen that Wild Child Girl and Fashionable Lad were waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

-Gold and his nicknames XD, they actually sound like crazy superheroes.

I froze. I couldn’t believe it. All this time I’d been worrying, and he’d been sleeping? I didn’t know what to do, so I did what I always did when I got confused.

I kicked him.

-Of course!

My blush returned for the third time that day. Just great. Now my Pokemon knew about my love life.

-I find this line pretty amusing XD, reminded me of that scene in the Legend of Thunder special anime where Typhlosion was teasing Jimmy.

Aha! Finally someone who referenced the fact that Gold and Crys spent three months alone together! There really had to be some development there XD!

And I didn't mind that the kiss got interrupted,it's not exactly on the right circumstances anyway XD.
Snoaz chapter 1 . 7/3/2009
You uploaded the story! :D And it took place during an actual scene in the manga; I'd never dare that, being afraid of not doing justice to it :p

But, moving on. I liked the interaction between Gold and Crystal (I admit that was more interesting to read than the actual battle ;) and I think you portrayed them in character. So nothing to worry about that.

“Of course! Saving damsels in distress is my specialty!” Gold proclaimed proudly

Haha, that made me laugh. Gold and his damsels in distress.

Then, constructive criticism... hm, I did sometimes see small errors (missing letters, no comma, etc.) but it's a bit of a pain to list that all here. And it's not that much.

I agree with you on the ending: it could have been better. But I don't mind the fact that they didn't kiss. Nothing as bad as rushed stories, it's better to hold if off till the time's right ;)

I don't know what else to say; I guess writing more for yourself (and not always to upload) really does makes you a better writer, so that's my -lame- tip ;p But it's good for a first story, don't worry!

~ Snoaz
aqua-dragon28 chapter 1 . 7/3/2009
Good work on this story; Gold and Crystal seemed in-character and the plot was quite realistic. I liked the mangaquestshippyness! Overall, good job!