Reviews for My Version of FLF
melissa laforte chapter 15 . 8/27/2019
he is definetly a medic and doctor . he is described as being a six foot tall, latino with grey eyes.
Bonnie chapter 37 . 9/30/2018
Rotflmao! Talk about karma!
It just but Joe in the ass!
Bonnie chapter 36 . 9/30/2018
Beautiful, loving chapter.
Bonnie chapter 35 . 9/30/2018
Good! Jean Ellen got jailed. Maybe she'll get a psych evaluation too!

Yay! A son! Hopefully he will be all right!
Bonnie chapter 34 . 9/30/2018
Darn that Mean Ellen. She got Steph so worked up she is in early labor.
Bonnie chapter 33 . 9/29/2018
After the honeymoon and all the good things going on this thing with Jean Ellen has to pop up.
Bonnie chapter 30 . 9/29/2018
Stamina is right!
Not stuff!
Bonnie chapter 29 . 9/29/2018
He is so excited about the baby.
I'm not into rebel Annie so much.
Bonnie chapter 28 . 9/29/2018
That was a bit scary with Jake but the letters are beautiful.
Yay! A baby!
Bonnie chapter 27 . 9/29/2018
He did a great job distracting her with her friends, a new car, shopping and a spa.
Bonnie chapter 26 . 9/29/2018
That was lovely.
Bonnie chapter 25 . 9/29/2018
Oh my goodness. An engagement and a wedding. Yay!
Bonnie chapter 24 . 9/29/2018
Oh! Is he going to pop the question?!

She got him good by quietly going off sugar for a few days.
Bonnie chapter 23 . 9/28/2018
It must have been one of his government superiors.
I'm thinking he is angry because he might be going on a mission.

Steamy chapter.
Bonnie chapter 22 . 9/28/2018
Of all people. I would have never guessed Rodriguez was her stalker.
She really did some quick, smart, thinking, grabbing hold of Hal and have him watching the door.
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