Reviews for Back to Dinoutopia
Hdidmgjkendiwmrbrlosbfnfkcirbf chapter 7 . 8/24/2019
You know what’s cool about science, that scientists have decided to bring back Mammoths and Smilodons from extinction using the De Extinction method (where you fuse the host DNA with similar DNA, like fusing a Smilodon with a Siberian Tiger) god knows when they’ll do it though.
Ice Girl on Fire chapter 15 . 11/24/2017
God, this story has taken me through such a wonderful roller coaster ride of emotions. You've put in a lot to make this as fabulous as it is. Hats down to you, girl! (...or boy!). Keep writing stories like these. And I just had to say that Lois is an amazing OC.
Guest chapter 18 . 6/18/2016
Oh my god, you got me in the feels. I was in a corner, bawling my eyes out at the end. My family was looking at me like I was nuts. You are an amazing writer. You showed the emotions so well. Anyone who didn't feel something while reading this is lying to themselves. Loved it so much.
LitleShadowDemon chapter 18 . 6/5/2014
Wow. Just wow. This is SO SAD! But good at the same time. Even if you never read this, just know one word. Wow.
Possum Grrrl chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
Also, great story! Truly beautiful, I've never cried over writing goodbye is now dedicated to Buck... /3 :'(
Possum Grrrl chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
OMG! I'm freaking crying my eyes out. And I'm NOT a wimp. Haven't cried so hard since my gerbil died. Ok, so I was listening to music, and just as Buck was dying these lyrics came on "as you spread your lips for the last time, to spell out the lyrics of love in the sky" from Rihanna's Final Goodbye. So tragic. I've always had quite the 'thing' for him. So I'm weeping, and my MOM is like "what's wrong! And she's coming into the book room so I pick up one of my sisters stupid romance books, and say"tragic love story" shed ROFL if she found out about this
imnotraven16 chapter 18 . 1/23/2013
great story
Sup chapter 14 . 9/2/2012
Hi! It was sad, but I didn't cry. Seriously guys, I didn't cry. Guys, seriously.
lady of the wilds chapter 18 . 5/1/2011
a wonderful story from start to finish. it was both funny and sad and i was very glad i read it. you are a great wirter and i hope you wirte more stories about Buck and the rest of the herd.

once again very well done on a fantastic story!
KaylaDestroyer chapter 17 . 1/16/2011
You are AWESOME at writing sad stories with adventure and love like this one! I went on Youtube and played " Nothing I've Ever Known " while reading chapter 17, and I almost cried! You are such a good author! Then I read chapter 18 while listening to " This is Where I Belong ", and I really got the feeling of the moment when I read how Buck was in heaven and he watched the herd walk up to him and Lois flew to him while it played! Oh, if only there could have been more! At least you started a sequel, which I kinda' anxiously wait to see if you continue with it.
KaylaDestroyer chapter 18 . 1/16/2011
Your story is totally AWESOME! I'm also glad you decided to do a sequel! Which, not to nag, you really should update!
jack chapter 4 . 4/30/2010
thats funny a pinapple :)
Nock chapter 4 . 3/22/2010
wo bleibt eigentlich sein vater avery den möchte ich mal wieder sehen aber auch mal nen bild weil ich den mir nicht vorstellen kann.
kaktusic chapter 16 . 2/6/2010
I actually wept while reading your story. You have a beautiful style and the ability to take your readers right into the story, as if they're seeing it all with their own eyes, and feel everything with their own hearts. An absolute masterpiece...*slinks away to continue weeping*
funnkiguy chapter 18 . 1/20/2010
hey cousin nice story liked it alot but hey i still prefer harry potter fics but your stories come next not that i could do better. yays to your art and your fics.

funnkiguy '
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