Reviews for Ever and Ever
cherryorpeach chapter 43 . 1/31/2019
You know that feeling you get before you start to cry, like eyes get droopy and nose starts to burn? That ending was... bittersweet.

And I'm for whatever reason scared to read the sequel. The ending was very "determined" for lack of a better word. Like, for sure? Positive? Idk, just seemed like everything was going to work out in the end. But when you say their bond will weaken because of separation and their demons continue to haunt them, it hurts because I feel like I've watched them myself grow in love, and I want nothing to affect them.

But I'm so excited to read the sequel anyway! I'm curious about the connection between the demons and eomer and lothiriel's relationship because it sounds like Legolas is linked to it. And excited to read about her duties as Shieldmaiden and her oath to Eomer... and so many other things!
cherryorpeach chapter 24 . 1/31/2019
Wasn't until I read this author's note that I realized I haven't reviewed your story yet! So sorry! I was just so immersed into Ever and Ever that it slipped my mind... was kinda of... selfish of me hahahah.

So just want to pop in and say I have no idea how this story slipped through the cracks each year I browse through the Lord of the Rings fanfiction pages. I love Cal. She's just the type of person I would've aspired to be if I lived in Middle Earth. But I also feel like she's still learning and maturing... especially want she did at Helm's Deep to the orcs. Yes, orcs are terrible beings, but using her mind speak to just end their lives has to have ramifications.

Anyways, sorry to ramble but just wanna say I'm enjoying your story!
twibe chapter 30 . 7/23/2014
I really don't like it when the elves have had relations before, I rather like the thought of them so pure and proper before they find their special one and bond :P
redruby8 chapter 14 . 2/8/2013
I really like this story this is my 2nd time reading it since i found it last month... love it!
Stole Your Cookie chapter 5 . 1/1/2012
Really well written! ] I'm enjoying it immensely, I think I just about stopped breathing for the last section of this chapter D
Gwilwillith chapter 43 . 7/1/2011
I found this by chance and I loved it! Its beautiful and heart felt. Simply a wonderful way to wile away my saturday.
Haine Toliver chapter 42 . 6/27/2011
THE BEST FANFICTION I HAVE EVER READ! It's so good I want to write my own! In, fact I think I will. :)
Dark Water Geek chapter 42 . 5/26/2011
Tarilyn is definitely a Warrior!Sue but she's a very well written one, mind you. In fact, I was a bit impressed with your style. On the other hand, she is a Sue! and after a few chapters it gets annoying.
Ebony Phenoix chapter 1 . 3/8/2011
Beautiful style in your speech. nice introductory piece. I look forward to the rest
Untamed-Wolf-Warrioress chapter 43 . 2/23/2011
Oh this was such an amazing story. I loved it! Very well writen and very beautiful. It inspired me to actually WRITE the LotR story that's been swiming in my brain. I'm going to finish my current stories first but I'ma get it done!
Jenna Linda chapter 42 . 2/13/2011
Yay! what a beautiful story! I loved that so much! its so real and alive and sad and the mingling of pain and love is so heart wrenching in so many ways. Its honest and I love that! Its also beautifully written and structured though sometimes I couldn't figure out what was going on. I look forward to your sequel - even if there isn't as much C/L its sure to be good because your a very talented writer. Just because I selfishly want to hear more about C/L I shouldn't let that detract from another coupling.

Good luck with future writing! ~ Jenna L.
emptyharbor chapter 31 . 1/30/2011
I love, LOVE that you had Calahdra choose to lie in this chapter... Too many authors make their characters saints, and you have done very well in doing exactly the opposite! As your notes from a few chapters back said, Calahdra is still part human, and her anger and lies depict it wonderfully.

Thank you! Great fic, too, by the way. ]
Soraya the All Speaker chapter 43 . 1/16/2011
I likes surprises! Cant wait!
Shadowed White Rosebud chapter 42 . 11/29/2010
I can't believe I'm finished with it, but I'm so happy of the ending and sad that it's really over.

Thank you for writing this, it really is a beautiful story and you're such a talented writer. I hope that you write more things like this.

Seeing as this is the first LOTR story that I have read so far, it's disappointing, as it will be difficult to find a better story out there.

I really enjoyed reading this story. Again, thanks for writing.

Shadowed White Rosebud chapter 38 . 11/29/2010
Yes! She and Legolas are back together again, and they're going to get married, and ohmygod she knows about the fellowship and now everything's going to be okay! :D

I love this story. On to the next chapter!
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