Reviews for A Memory's Curse
Harry P fan 4ever chapter 35 . 11/13/2019
I knew it was a Bogart and it makes a ton of sense, boggarts show what you are most afraid of at any given moment, Bella had just seen a girl trying to kiss her boyfriend, the thing she would be afraid of most is her boyfriend leaving her.
N7 Greek-Valkyrie chapter 22 . 10/18/2019
Ok I blame maybe Draco, but totally Cho. Damn skank.
N7 Greek-Valkyrie chapter 21 . 10/18/2019
I blame Cho
N7 Greek-Valkyrie chapter 13 . 10/18/2019
Yes, and I'm sure the Minister would be thrilled to know you torture students to uphold his name, my what a scandal. HELLO, NOW WOULD BE A GOOD TIME TO TELL SOMEONE!
N7 Greek-Valkyrie chapter 12 . 10/18/2019
...Shouldnt have given her a chance to do it again to you or anyone else. Her ass would be grass as far as I'm concerned.
N7 Greek-Valkyrie chapter 11 . 10/18/2019
Ugh! Still haven't told anyone about the damn quills, and again the kiss is interrupted.
N7 Greek-Valkyrie chapter 9 . 10/18/2019
TELL MCGONAGALL OR DUMBLEDORE ABOUT THE QUILL, IT'S ILLEGAL! Jesus, fuck people. Fudge would have to fire her from Hogwarts if it got back to him that the Undersecretary to the Minister; who just was placed as a DADA teacher, was not only teaching subpar curriculum, but was also torturing students with the use of Blood Quills as a form of punishment. Something she shouldn't have even had in the first freaking place!
N7 Greek-Valkyrie chapter 8 . 10/18/2019
It's illegal to use a blood quill on students, hell unless it's a legal document your not even supposed to have them. Please tell me they use theis heads and tell the teachers like they should have in the books.
Innovative maniac chapter 3 . 8/3/2019
Man this stories has so many holes that it makes sleeping net look as if was under planished hammer and now it has got maliablity as it's property. You seriously need to work on plot holes. How did someone remember when they were young, how the fuck someone tarvelled to Washington to Scotland, how did she do magic without knowing about it. Urg.
Tsukoblue chapter 35 . 2/25/2019
When will you make a sequel for this story?
mccoy2526 chapter 1 . 1/31/2019
Please do a sequel thanks
acetwolf94 chapter 35 . 6/28/2018
Dragon Queen chapter 7 . 5/17/2018
Awesome!The wingardium leviosa spell does not work on humans,just thought you should know.
tinkerbear10 chapter 35 . 12/8/2017
I love it alot and hope there is sooooooooooooooooooo much more to it!
Guest chapter 25 . 12/5/2017
marysue bella
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