Reviews for The Ties That Bind
Vamps09 chapter 53 . 7/13
Loved the story thanks for writing!
dpennell007 chapter 53 . 2/15
I LOVED your unique and wonderful story, especially the second arc. I'm secretly glad you didn't have time for the third arc because once B & E found each other, all I wanted for them was to drift blissfully into their 'small but perfect piece of forever'. The slow burn journey it took for them to get there was a testament to you dear author, and truly a pleasure to read.
rclaurel chapter 15 . 2/4
He kept the note all these years, their must be some brownie points for that
Ajfflady chapter 53 . 9/4/2019
Took four days to complete but it is a wonderfully written mature story. Still relevant and engaging all these years later. I saw it recommended on a Facebook post , your story has touched and remained in the memory of many of its readers. That’s the measure of a treasured work of Twilight FanFiction.
Rita01tx chapter 53 . 8/30/2019
Tissues, huh? Well, I may have to give it a miss as I've never enjoyed watchin' Edward and Bella fade into old age and the grave *shudder!* I prefer to leave them alive and lovin' life to the fullest!
Rita01tx chapter 52 . 8/30/2019
Well, damn! That was a close call and a reminder that, indeed, life it too short and unpredictable to sweat the small stuff!
Rita01tx chapter 51 . 8/30/2019
Good thing Edward was honest with Bella about havin' another baby! Much wiser to just wait for the grandkids Dan and Cassie give them LOL!
Rita01tx chapter 50 . 8/30/2019
Awww, I'm absolutely giddy for these two!
Rita01tx chapter 49 . 8/30/2019
Heheheh! I'd kinda like to hear Cassie's conversation with Alice on the subject!
Rita01tx chapter 48 . 8/30/2019
The Cullen women are gonna take one look at them and know it's a done deal...she's movin' west LOL!
Rita01tx chapter 47 . 8/30/2019
Bless your girls for urgin' you to take your time, just as Edward and Bella took their time to finally get there and, boy, was it worth it!
Rita01tx chapter 46 . 8/30/2019
Lordamercy! What a way to get acquainted *THUD!*
Rita01tx chapter 45 . 8/30/2019
Hmmm, I do believe they want each other LOL!
Rita01tx chapter 44 . 8/30/2019
Oooh, there's no goin' back now!
Rita01tx chapter 43 . 8/29/2019
The shoppin' trip from hell awaits but that kiss should keep them fired up enough to get through it...I hope LOL!
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