Reviews for Dark Power Arising
Guest chapter 65 . 8/7
Umm...not to be rude, but this story was good until you introduced Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Nothing against the show (I use to watch it), but having a crossover kind of ruins this story for me...sorry!
Guest chapter 37 . 8/3
Hal is Canadian, not American. This would be much better
Guest chapter 36 . 8/3
I though Hal Kenwood was from Canada not the USA? Why don't Canadians get any recognition, lol?
Honoria Granger chapter 74 . 10/27/2019
The battle where Legolas and Gimli were keeping score was Helm’s Deep, if I am not mistaken, not the Pelennor Fields...
Honoria Granger chapter 72 . 10/27/2019
Loch Maree? Not Mairie...
Honoria Granger chapter 69 . 10/27/2019
I’m really enjoying the Moria part of this story. Love Thranduil and Celembrimbor. But you need to learn to put commas to set off stuff, like this...
Honoria Granger chapter 57 . 10/27/2019
I lived through the Sixties and I promise you, NOBODY believed that Puff the Magic Dragon nonsense. Not common knowledge at all.

I love how you’re working in all these weird creatures. Nicely done.
Honoria Granger chapter 55 . 10/27/2019
Noldorin, not .Noldoran. .

Okay, here it is. The singular is Noldo. The plural is Noldor. The adjective is Noldorin. Commit to memory.
Honoria Granger chapter 51 . 10/26/2019
It’s Thranduil Oropherion, not Oropherian,...
Honoria Granger chapter 1 . 10/26/2019
It’s Alqualondë, not Aqualonde.
Honoria Granger chapter 24 . 10/25/2019
Hilarious. Drunk, cliché-spouting Valar. I love it!
Honoria Granger chapter 18 . 10/25/2019
Ilúvatar, not Iluvator..
mystarlight chapter 26 . 9/27/2018
Thranduil's wife story is so sad. I hope you will 3xplain her choice soon. I am mesmerized by your story thank you
mystarlight chapter 11 . 9/27/2018
Maksim reminds me about Thadak in searching redemption
mystarlight chapter 1 . 9/27/2018
Great beginning once again
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