Reviews for What becomes of the broken hearted?
slstanekt chapter 10 . 3/18
I'm confused how harry recognized funny handwriting on the letters even though she used a spell to make it look like his, it has to be one or the other it can't be both
Imwaiting4myAliceandEdward chapter 10 . 2/4
Interesting. There was a lot of plot in such a short story.
highlander348 chapter 9 . 3/16/2019
Pleasant chapter 10 . 12/9/2018
It was good
Guest chapter 10 . 11/21/2018
hmm.. a good story in someway. But unless at the end without even mention it is stupid.
Harry goes to ginny and finds out (not even tell Nevill) and just let things happend without telling Hermione? man.. i read a few stories that clears it all up better then this.
Sure i get it it's not all being good right away, but still if you discussed the ginny part a lot would be better.
Guest chapter 10 . 6/22/2018
Ok, I kind of maybe a little forgive Harry for being such a dickwad, maybe, a little. Somewhat.

Good story, some scenes really should have been expanded a bit more and some repetition could have easily been cut out, but all in all - except for the super-rushed ending - a good story.

Good job!
Guest chapter 9 . 6/22/2018
Oh, wah, Harry, cry me a fucking river you selfish incompetent bastard.
Guest chapter 8 . 6/22/2018
Gag! OMG Harry, how retarded ARE you? HERMIONE DID NOTHING WRONG. STOP BLAMING HER FOR YOUR STUPIDITY YOU UNMITIGATED FUCKED-UP MORON. Geeze. Someone give that asshole a quadruple does of a harsh laxative. Shithead needs it.

Why is Harry suck a fucking asshole? He was never like this in the books or movies; why is he such an asshole in this story? It's like he's retarded or something.
Guest chapter 7 . 6/22/2018
Maybe just maybe Harry will have that wake-up call he's been needing for the past 8 years. Will he take Ginny to court? He needs to. First his attitude and stupidity kept him and Hermione apart, but even when Hermione did the right thing by telling him over and over and over again via letter, "somehow" Ginny managed to get to every single letter first? Right. I wonder if Neville knows what a bitch he married?
Guest chapter 6 . 6/22/2018
So why exactly does Hermione "have" to let Harry explain? It's not like he ever let HER say anything. Is Harry not going to get in trouble for leaving the job - "dereliction of duty"? He's so busy running around trying to blame everyone else for his own fuck-up that he can't even do his job.
Guest chapter 5 . 6/22/2018
Harry is a motherfucking raving lunatic. He has the worst opinion of Hermione; it's like he never even bothered trying to get to now his "best friend" way-back-when.
Guest chapter 4 . 6/22/2018
Well if poor-pitiful-Harry "missed" her so much why didn't he bother FINDING her? Why did he run her off in the first place? Why did he believe Ginny over what he knew as a fact about Hermione? Worthless POS.
Guest chapter 2 . 6/22/2018
I think Harry as a hell of a lot of explaining and ass kissing to do. If Hermione apologizes for ANYTHING - ANYTHING AT ALL - I WILL FLAME THE HELL OUT OF THIS STORY.
TLM chapter 5 . 5/29/2018
Harry is an utter ass. Thoroughly unlikable. I don't know why Hermione hasn't shoved her wand down his throat and hexed him into nothing more than a greasy spot on the floor.
The Ghostly Minion chapter 4 . 2/13/2018
Clear that Hermione had a fall back position in case anyone learned she got knocked up.

They need to clear their heads and get the bad guys.

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