Reviews for Memories
mollrat chapter 26 . 12/30/2014
You fill the gaps in the story so seamlessly. The rich emotions you can only imagine are happening while you're playing you write about so beautifully.
Anonymous chapter 26 . 11/21/2014
That was a great ride. Thank you for this contribution to the Fable section.

When I first read about Michael in APaAH, I thought him slightly frightening (although, of course, not on the level of Reaver). I guess I was slightly disappointed about him after you showed how much Sparrow seemed to be using him as an anchor above everything else, in her dealings with Reaver.

But here, we get to find out a bit more about Michael, and how Sparrow's/ Blade's time in the Spire affected BOTH of them and their relationship, and so I understand him and his motivations a bit better now. And that's something a lot of authors (in the Fable section) neglect to do: they seem to gloss over F! Sparrow's time there, and how would have changed her when they storytell about her and Reaver. So this has been pretty amazing.
anonymous chapter 21 . 11/21/2014
The stalker kid was a interesting way to show the action. But a bit creepy, and it tested my suspension of disbelief a little that she didn't get noticed, saw well in the dark, and watched everything that went on in the house. Haha.

But their reunion was so heartfelt after what we (the readers) went through we Jaina in the Spire.
Phifalling chapter 26 . 5/9/2014
Damn. That was breathtakingly well written and utterly stunning in how compelling it was emotionally.
k.m.d.fbl chapter 25 . 3/17/2014
This is my favorite Fable Fanfiction ever! I have read this one like more that ten times and almost cried every time. I love Michael, he is so awesome! I never seen any fanfictions when Sparrow is falling for Reaver every time! This one is so different and I love it! I can't wait to read the sequals!
evonnecropolis chapter 25 . 2/2/2011
Had to come back to read this again.

You've inspired me to write a story from The Commandants point of view.

If my story is 1/4 as good as this one, I'll be... A happy little Sparrow.
evonnecropolis chapter 26 . 1/29/2011

Thanks so much.

It went far longer than I expected. I was riveted. I really appreciated the word for word quotes from the Commandant.

I think I'm going to subscribe to you. Lol.

Wish this could be printed in a fan book somewhere. It was really great.
Sneer chapter 25 . 12/5/2010
Intense! I read the whole way through!
Stalker Witch chapter 26 . 7/1/2010
I cried. Thanks for writing this story. :)
A Person chapter 26 . 6/11/2010
Just read this whole thing. And WHOA.

Amazing. Brilliant. Loved it.

Your portrayal of the Commandant was killer. He was definitely not good, but not quite evil. Just obedient. And the way your hero fought, how she struggled and developed and tried so hard to stay together when anyone else would've broken. When she WAS broken, but still managed to pick up the pieces, as painful as it was, as much as they dug and cut into her skin...

I loved it. Like you said, there aren't too many Spire stories (which, seriously WTF is up with that?) but this is by far the best of them. Probably my favorite Fable fanfic as of yet.

...And, a little off topic, but I feel like I'm the only one that played that game and had my hero obey the Commandant and all his orders. xD Cuz I didn't want to lose my experience, mostly.
Wolfman-053 chapter 17 . 1/25/2010
So she takes the Commandant's Master Cutlass in lieu of the Steel one you have to use in the game? Sweet!
Chellybaby chapter 26 . 11/8/2009

I loved this. I don't think I've ever read a fanfic with so much raw emotion. What was missing in description was balanced perfectly by the emotion which, in a strange way, makes it even better because it's just that much more personal. You made the Spire so much more vivid. Every time I play Fable I'm going to be empathising so much with Sparrow -_- Thank you for writing such a wonderful fanfic!

~chellybaby xo

P.S. Do you know what Fable I is about yet? It sounds really interesting X3 Roll on, Winter '10!
Chellybaby chapter 12 . 11/8/2009
Chellybaby chapter 8 . 11/8/2009
The entries you put at the bottom of every page or so are really effective... It's hard to explain exactly how, but the contrast between Jaina's desperation to remember and the fact that her diary is slowly becoming less focused makes you really think 'come on, come on!'... It's hard to describe -_- And thank you for replying to my review _ I think it's really nice when you review a reader who replies. That's why I always review stories and reply to my review :)

~chellybaby xo
Chellybaby chapter 4 . 11/8/2009
Sorry I didn't review sooner, but... this is amazing. The emotion is so vividly pictured that you feel like you're there with Jaina all the way through, and you've made her your own. The only thing I can advise you to work on is your descriptions of surroundings and such, but otherwise... I'm going to keep reading, this is a very well written fanfic :)

~chellybaby xo
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