Reviews for Partners and Wives
atrish1 chapter 1 . 7/27/2009
This was nicely done. I enjoyed this look back on the beginning of their friendship. And I never tire of Van and Hutch stories. I particularly loved this part:

He turned on the cold water and pulled them both into the shower, holding her tightly as the freezing cold water ran over them, slowly calming her down. When she finally collapsed against him, sobbing quietly, he knew it was safe to let her go. As he released his hold on her wrists, she sank to her knees in the tub and wrapped her arms around herself, rocking gently back and forth.

Reaching down gently to stoke her arm soothingly, Hutch said softly, “Come on, baby…let’s go to bed.”

This scene is a standout and adds a bit more complexity to the volatile relationship.

Also sweet to have Starsky run to the rescue, mentally noting Hutch's scratches and bruises, and giving Hutch a shoulder to cry on.

And nice touch on the foreshadowing of Colby getting ready to take a walk on the darkside.
faldo chapter 1 . 7/26/2009
Enjoyed this story very much - poor old Hutch always gets it from Vanessa. Liked their interaction with Colby too. Thanks.
brook5 chapter 1 . 7/25/2009
that was a great glad you posted it..i always like reading van/hutch/starsky stories
aussie mitcham chapter 1 . 7/25/2009
I love this story about how there first met thank you so much for it
ece23 chapter 1 . 7/25/2009
This is a really nice first meeting story, and I liked how you showed them becoming friends - I could picture it all in my head. Very cute, I liked it a lot!