Reviews for A Vital Lesson
myheadisclear chapter 3 . 4/19/2012
I don't really know what words to use when describing this fic, other than simply amazing. Not only did you capture the very essence of Jack and Audrey, but also James Heller. I could imagine it just as you wrote it, as if it was a script and it was being acted out. I almost wish it was, because that's how real it felt.

I love how natural you make Jack and Audrey act around each other as if they're meant for each other - perfect. It seems to easy, yet I can only imagine how much work went into writing this.
Cyberchao X chapter 3 . 1/25/2011
It's wonderful. I agree, Audrey seemed to have a connection with Jack that none of his other love interests had. Yeah, he did plenty to get revenge for Teri and Renee, but they didn't quite seem the same as Audrey. The only other couple on the show that seemed as perfect as those two was Tony and Michelle.
Cyberchao X chapter 2 . 1/25/2011
Aw, come on, Heller, he makes her happy!
Cyberchao X chapter 1 . 1/25/2011 we go. There aren't enough Jack/Audrey fics out there. I'd probably write one myself if I didn't have such a huge problem writing for live-action series, but...I definitely love this.
be-your-sound chapter 3 . 9/26/2010
great story, really well written :-)
ScarecrowSchofield chapter 3 . 8/25/2010
What a great fic! Its been quite a while since I was on here, but this is the first one I've read since coming back. Its great to see a fic written from Heller's perspective. And it was a well written, engaging plot. Jack's been patient, which we all know isn't his strong point, and it's paid off for him.

Thanks for writing, just one little request.. ANy chance of a short follow up of when Jack meets up with Audrey after her talk with her father?

Hannah xx
David Fishwick chapter 3 . 1/29/2010
I liked how you wrote Audrey and her relationship with her father. Thanks for writing.
bluedana chapter 3 . 1/6/2010
I really love this story. I think it is well written and compelling, and most of all, you got the characters just right. Jack, especially, seems very hard to capture (going from the stories I've read so far); usually he's broody and needy and not very interesting. Your take on him is remarkably close to where the writers left him at the end of Season 6 - angry, isolated, and determined. I like your AU take on what would have happened if Jack had NOT walked away. I like that he's, well, cautiously happy.

I think you got Audrey right, as well. She never was a clingy fangirl; she had a mind of her own. I don't know whether the writers intended for her mind to ever heal, but I think if she did, it would happen the way you've written it. I'm glad to read a piece that gives some closure to the situation. I think you got into her head very well (at least after she got her marbles back). I particularly liked her line about not sneaking a guy her father hates into the house as soon as he leaves town. That just struck me as something a grownup daughter would say to her father.

I think Heller is a great character, and you've written him well. It's a testament to your skill that I actually felt for him and accepted his point of view (even when he was wrong), considering how angry I was at his last conversation with Jack in S6Ep24. But you put that conversation in perspective in the course of the story, so that I could at least understand why he would turn on him. That's good writing right there. I still don't *like* Heller, but I get him.

Just generally, too, your writing is natural and interesting to read. I could easily see this in a professional magazine. It's well thought out, and doesn't drag on endlessly.

As I said, this character - and this series - seems to be very hard to capture accurately. In my opinion, you've done a great job. I enjoyed this story very much. Thanks for writing it.
BrittanyLS chapter 3 . 8/24/2009
I love how a simple sentence describes them so perfectly! Jack and Audrey just fit together!

I love those two together, and am still clinging to hope that Audrey will return!
jen87 chapter 3 . 8/18/2009
The end? The "END" end? Great story! If there's going to be more I would love to know.
Read24forfun chapter 3 . 8/17/2009
Loved the chapter. Glad Heller finally realized that Jack and Audrey are meant to be together.
numbnuts chapter 3 . 8/17/2009
I absolutely loved this story! great final chapter!
angeliena chapter 3 . 8/16/2009
Oh this was a nice story! chapter 3 . 8/16/2009
“We fit together,”

what can I add ?

waiting the next no doubt !

ranae chapter 3 . 8/15/2009
I absolutely loved this story! Great new perspective, great characterization, great flow. When I read your work, I can actually see the characters' body language & hear their voices in my head...which is one of the reasons I love fanfic. But it also takes a talented author to write well enough for that to happen. So bravo! Hope you write again soon.
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