Reviews for Change Me
Potato Reviewer chapter 1 . 10/26/2015
This. Was. AWESOME! Please continue if you can. :)
PerryGirl110 chapter 1 . 1/1/2013
Please continue, I LOVE this its so cute :D
lady sesshomaru-sama chapter 1 . 8/22/2011
awwww i love it!
iluvperry chapter 1 . 8/11/2010
oh, god.
AgentInvaderMinionofDoom chapter 1 . 7/21/2010
good! is it a one-shot? id really like it if you contined with this story. *does puppy dog eyes* pleeeeeeeease?
Guest chapter 1 . 4/5/2010
Stop leaveing us in suspensnce TYPE QUICKER! POST IT!
Crazy-wolf chapter 1 . 11/22/2009
You know? It's kind of sad your just gonna either Leave the story, or have Obviasly HORRIBLE writers block. IDK why, but I want to see what happens next...
deadliving chapter 1 . 7/29/2009
Broken laws of nature, a pile-up, and Barry...

How could my day get any better!
TheMarshmaloWizardGhostCookie chapter 1 . 7/27/2009
hehehehehehehe Human Perry makes me giggle. I hope that P&F find out that it's Perry later in the story...
PerryRocks- Wolf Warrior chapter 1 . 7/27/2009
Roy42 chapter 1 . 7/27/2009
Oh, Perry getting turned into a human, what an unforeseen departure from the norm, if only the title wasn't a dead giveaway and everyone and their sister's dog weren't writing a Human Perry story, it might have been a slight surprise.

I came up with a new fun system (for me) of reviewing a fanfic I'm keen to try out, by awarding points.

For not making Perry look like a regular human, only with greenish hair like every other Human Perry fanfic, 2 points.

For using an overdone and retarded concept, -3 points.

For clearly making an effort at spelling and grammar, even though there were many glaring mistakes anyway, 2 points.

For using a myriad of hyphens, as opposed to the FF line break, -3 points.

For having Perry not yet slipped out of sight until after Isabella had turned up, -2 points.

For failing to explain why Perry got the idea in his head and in what would have been 2 minutes, maximum, have made a request to The Agency that was fulfilled, -2 points.

For basically making everything about the DEI scene only just plausible, having Perry clumsily fall in as opposed to skillfully landing, making a bad joke about the singers, having Perry beg, Doofenshmirtz agree without even a hint of hesitation, -4 points.

For passing the "Test of Characters", 3 points.

For using periods after ellipses, -2 points.

Now let's tally those up…

Oh dear, it seems your final score is MINUS 10 POINTS. I guess the first round isn't your strong suit.

It's all up to you, do you want to keep your points at -10 and try your best in round 2, "Another Chapter", or do you want to put your points and dignity all on the line against our reigning champion in the bonus round, "Review Reply"?

While we let you mull that decision over, here's a word from our sponsors.



P.S - Apart from needing to fine tune the point system, this is much more fun. Then again, I was in a rush to review, so Grammar Nazi wasn't an option, but this works out great if I'm pressed for time. Thanks for *ahem* volunteering to be a test subject for this new formula.