Reviews for Rorschach's Redemption
Guest chapter 1 . 7/25/2016
Mellisa chapter 10 . 11/17/2011
Loved it! Epilogue please!
Kwai Ax'Nav chapter 1 . 1/8/2011
It seems interesting ,but your not going to get a lot of is very very oc and very little of him is in your 's also Mary sue.I suggest you read the comics and notice the way rorschach talks it's very he never talks when fighting he hates being touched especially by a normally would have walked away and if he didn't he would have asked if she was a are a good writer if your intentions were to write him this way that's cool just everything that draws people to the character is personally like Mary sue but if you write another story I suggest use a little more you want to contact me that is my user name above I was just to lazy to sign in.
ShoeychocolatXD chapter 10 . 12/28/2010
ahhhhhhhhhhh screams happily. i think he pretty much, in his own way. asked her to marry him
Mariana Lestrange chapter 10 . 12/14/2009
I might have an epilogue? YES! you might! because this story is just perfect you are a great writer!

and I'm doing a book (for myself)that will have your story on it, i love read but not always i have a laptop or pc with me, so i put in a book all my *love* stories for times like this.

The Dark Dragon chapter 8 . 8/16/2009
Wow... I love it! It is really good and I could see this going so many different ways from this end point but I really want to know which way you plan it to go by reading the next chapters. I normally don't say that I 'love' something but 'like' didn't seem like the best description for it... Well will watch for chapter 9...

~The Dark Dragon
FireChestnut chapter 2 . 8/4/2009
Consider getting a beta, your character's name changes from Elaine to Elaina. Rorschach is very OOC, and I highly doubt that a french psychologist would be research-able on a windows '85 computer, let alone that Rorschach isn't very technology savvy. I would suggest that you re-edit the chapters, the writing is very choppy between paraphrases.

*rubs temples* why must they always have amethyst eyes that sparkle like a million diamonds? Come one hun, making your character interesting through physical traits isn't the way to go. I would have preferred brown or grey eyes, much more appealing than purple.

Hopefully this helps.
Star Dragonmaiden chapter 1 . 8/3/2009
Say...are you...the one from Deviant Art? ZBops? If not, then ignore this.
Marnomy chapter 7 . 8/1/2009
Woah-ho-ho! Elaine got in quite the trouble!

Anyways, on chapter seven, I started to get a little bored. Maybe, perhaps, you could have a day off for her? No trouble, no fuss, a walk in the park and- Oh my golly, it's Rorschach! What is he doing here? What? Oh... maybe he was spying on me. Ooh, naw. He'd never do that!
KarliKittyy chapter 1 . 7/28/2009
I actually like it. It has like deph but at the same time humor.