Reviews for Breathe Me
Guest chapter 1 . 8/28/2017
i love this
Guest chapter 1 . 7/25/2016
Nice story. One note, at no time were Gideon and rossi working at the same time. Rossi also didnt know reid untill Gideon left, so he wouldnt be involved here. I know u said ur new to the show, so ill let it slide this time ;)
MyGuiltiestPleasure chapter 1 . 6/30/2014
This was short but sweet! I hope to read more of your stuff later:-)
Cmfan chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
Hey, good story, the characters were pretty believable except for one thing: Dave (as in Rossi?) entered the series after Gideon left so if this was post season 2 finale then gideon wouldn't be there and pre season 2 finale he would... That's the only thing I noticed; other than that good job!
disordered chapter 1 . 8/18/2010
Wonderful story. I really liked how you opened the story, so abruptly, and to the point. It was refreshing. (:
Harriet123 chapter 1 . 5/26/2010
Very good for a first fic, they seemed in character for the most part. There were one or two grammar mistakes but nothing noticeable really 9(I'm a grammar Nazi so I pick up on the slightest mistakes P). Personally I like it as a one-shot but it could work if continues. It depends on what you want to do with it. Would you keep it centred around Reid's current mental state or would it branch out? I can't really advise you how to continue 'cause I'm not sure what sort of story you want to tell. I'd read more though if you continued.
Lizzie Reid chapter 1 . 12/15/2009
OMG OMG OMFG plz plz plz continue this story! i think it you should contuniue with like reid was not actuly ok and it turns out that there was a tape in the envilope, were reid was like raped(not in detale) or somthing or him at the football game where he got beatup. the team opens the envilope and finds the pics and watches the video, so when they go to confront reid about it, they find him at his appartment pasted out on the floor overdosed on something, they rush him to the hospital, and they watch him die, when the team leaves and gets drunk the doc calls them and they say that they brought him back, so the go to visit him (drunk) and reid is suppriesed to see them all wasted. they all start to cry, and tell reid that they saw the tapes and next day the all wake up in the hospital room, and reids not there, they all get really worried. so they go back to the BAU, and find reid sitting at his desk doing are all supprised, and when they go over to talk to him, and morgan or gideon puts a hand on reids sholder he flinches and tells tham that they should just forget it, that he is over it, but they know that he is not, and when he goes home that night,something happends to him, but not good thing, things that bring back unpleasant meamories...

plz plz plz finish! i would right this myself but i suk at writing
the-vampire-act chapter 1 . 12/14/2009
aw...This was so sad! My poor SPencey!

Great story! Do you plan on making a second chap?

Update soon,pleaz?
hatchling chapter 1 . 8/17/2009
Well, I like it. Reid's been through a lot and survived unbelievably well, his mother's death sure could throw him off the trail for a moment... As I said, good job with this, I wouldn't mind reading more )