Reviews for Boundaries
s chapter 1 . 8/8/2016
That was beautiful.
joely1 chapter 1 . 6/3/2012
this story, without a doubt, isn't just the best mighty boosh story on this website, it's the best story on this website i've seen so far, and trust me, i've read a lot on here. it made me cry, and it made me incredibly happy. a big well done to you. *adds to favourites*
aberrantstrain chapter 1 . 12/20/2009
I thought this story was lovely and very well written. You are a magnificent writer! Generally, I sort of hate it when characters cry, but thus far, this is the only MB fic I've read where it was not hideously unacceptable to me, way to go! I also think that in context to the situation you've put the characters in, you do a good job of keeping their dialogue and motivations in-character. There are so many badly characterized stories floating about, but this is not one of them! I enjoyed the length and I especially enjoyed Howard in this one, he is easy to write badly but I think you did a fantastic job.
torquewrench chapter 1 . 12/14/2009
Aw! That was *delightful*. :D
MariLyn's Mello chapter 1 . 11/20/2009

I am lost for words, absolutely. I couldn't stop reading it, just fantastic. I envy you for your writing skills, everything seems to just fall into place.

Probably one of the best Boosh famfictions I've ever write more? x
Demactica chapter 1 . 8/3/2009
Oh my dear, this was simply marvelous. I loved how you kind of zoomed in at the beginning, then zoomed out at the end. Howard and Vince were totally in-character, and there was a delicate yet brilliantly acheived balance between seriousness and humor. I questioned your choice of not splitting it up at first, but I agree with you, it seems to flow much better this way.

These two are adorable as it is, but it multiplies x100 when the fic is so painstakingly well-written.
LineMeUpInSingleFile chapter 1 . 8/2/2009
I just read this from your LJ 3 I just love it, so brilliant. You have these two characters down exactly now, you couldn't be better. I'm so jealous of how you can bring up a story and then close it so wonderfully as well. I feel sort of soft and nostalgic now. I don't think it was too fluffy, you managed to pull off the fluff without being really annoying and out of character.

Big fan D x
KickingRoses chapter 1 . 8/2/2009
Probably the best one shot I have EVER read. Not quality surpasses the quantity, my love.

Will leave a proper review on LJ and when I have more time, coz it's gonna be epic as it's what this deserves. I loved all the little memories, little glimpses of Howard and Vince's past and near-present in between all the (sort of)UST in their hotel room in Paris!

I do have to say how much I loved Howard's description of Vince. For someone who makes out to be so shallow, he only really does everything to please other people. It made me 'awwh' and broke my heart. It's such a true and bittersweet look at his character. Howard was so sweet to realize it and tell Vince he really should think of his own happiness sometimes.

Mega-fluffy ending is Win. Meets up to the mega-angst earlier. The perfect balance. Perfect fic!

Love it, x
hkfdshkdjlfkghhlglfjdkghs chapter 1 . 8/2/2009
ohmyfuckinggod! This was so beautiful and amazing and intense and just... Guh! I'm so awe-struck by the calibre of your writing, the reflected intro and outro was especially brilliant and how it started off with such a fast paced, heated vibe of lust and ended with the slower feeling of contentment for LOVE-as-apposed-to *sighs happily*

The angsty parts were so hard-hitting; the fight and the portrait painting scenes... Vince's hearbreaking thoughts about his love for Howard, so beautiful I almost cried!

Just amazing all round...

Brie 3
